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Airsoft Related Nickname

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Posts posted by Airsoft Related Nickname

  1. Awesome tips guys, thanks.


    I've repainted the grips so now they have a few different colours/layers and I have ordered some clear gloss varnish. So a little too late to follow your advice :D


    I figure I can always start again if my half arsed technique doesn't work :D

  2. Thanks guys :)


    To polish the ejection port cover ;) I raided my wife's nail stuff! She has these cuboid nail files with four different surfaces on them. File, buff, smooth and shine. They work great for all sorts of stuff!


    I think I am going to repaint the grips before I varnish them. I want them a bit lighter I think. I just painted those with back, dark umber, and crimson acrylic paints. A coat of burnt umber or even an ochre should do the job :)

  3. Another boring, slightly blurred, hand gun pic! :D


    I'm still bored so I have just painted the grips to get a wood effect. Pleased with it so far but I need to get some kind of varnish to make them look like nice shiny wood! I also polished that shiny thing in the middle. I don't even know what it's called :D I'm such a noob :D


    EDIT: I might polish up the trigger one day too to give it a bit of a custom look.



  4. Just painted the slide of my KJW KP02/p229. There was nothing actually wrong with it except the paint finish is a little on the shiny side. So I have applied a couple of thin coats of Plastikote just to take the edge off.


    It's a very subtle difference but I'm pleased with it :)



  5. Good job I bought that mask specifically for my ultra light rig. Just tried using it with my G36c and even with the Eotech it's practically impossible to get a good sight picture. Do not try one of these masks with iron sights :D


    I guess it's the NOB for the one handed weapons and my M88 for anything I actually want to aim :D





  6. Yup..that was the plan :D I guess I might have a belt and holster for the Sig too...but that's it.


    The mask is a NOB Heavy Duty Full Face Mask from Tiger111HK. http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p4409/NOB-Heavy-Duty-FULL-Face-Mask-with-Anti-Fog-Lens-(BK)/product_info.html


    I am pretty sure it's meant to be a Save Phace clone. They are certainly very similar in terms of appearance, At least as much as I can tell from photos. The best thing is that it fits over my hipster glasses and seems to be pretty good on the fogging front! :D

  7. No I probably won't wear it. I play pretty tight CQB and it will just get in the way.


    I'm a bit of a zombie geek so it's just my way of expanding my role playing universe. I use the day pack for when I take the dog out for a long walk, sans airsoft stuff of course :D


    I'm not actually a prepper but I do like to be prepared if I'm going to be out walking for a day. I have just ordered a Bear Grylls Compact multi tool to finish the emergency kit and I think I will get a cheap tarp and maybe a hammock to put in the bag too.

  8. post-6449-0-48043100-1364208959_thumb.jpg


    This is what I am calling my Bug Out Loadout. The basic premise is only to take what I can fit in my bug out bag :)


    Pictured is a Mil-Com 30l Molle Daysack, A Viper tactical belt and pistol pouch. A KJW p229r(?) An ASG Mac 10 and of course a mid sized emergency kit ;)


    The emergency kit which is by no means complete contains: Approx 12 feet of paracord, fire striker and cotton balls for tinder, button compass, craft knife, credit card sized multi-tool, safety pins, mini cable ties, space blanket, anti-bacterial wipes and various medical supplies. I will be adding some painkillers, a mini torch and a decent mini multi tool will replace some of the other stuff at some point.


    Not pictured is a face mask which is yet to be delivered and various airsoft sundries inside the bag...gas, BB's, silicon spray, towel, torch etc.


    When Z-Day happens for real I will just replace the 229 and the Mac 10 with a crowbar, hammer and some MRE's. :D

  9. Suppressor finally arrived. Doesn't fit. Not even close. Or at least not in the way it was intended :DHowever with the aid of some gaffa tape around the flash hider it is now an "outside the handguard, push fit, suppressor".


    Who knows....it might even stay on :D


    Looks awesome though. Sorry for the crappy phone pic.


  10. I recently had the same thing from Tiger111HK. I ordered a suppressor and emailed them a month later only to be told it was out of stock. I chose an alternative though...which I am currently still waiting for.


    And I've just bought some Humbrol Poly Cement to hopefully glue a spacer to the underside of my Px4 slide catch. The fix seems to work but it needs a stronger adhesive.

  11. I just thought I would share this piece of loveliness! :D


    TM Px4 in some kind of holster thingy from Tiger111HK on a Viper security belt.


    Apologies for the substandard photography!


    And the reason for taking this picture now? I just received, amongst other things, a new mag from Airsoftworld. Therefore justifying adding the mag holder to the holster! :D


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