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Everything posted by craig

  1. FINIUS WAS SELLING! (give me a min i need to calm down) funius was selling a elcan! how did i miss that i i i i need to sit down for a bit why why god hath you for saken me
  2. for my PMC and urban terrorist loadout's AK tactical
  3. just go a mp5a3 for 60 quip from my local site with a fps of 330 and 6 dual mags
  4. finius dont listen to them it looks great mad respect to the aimpoint sight hope the finished one looks the same also on an other note i found my slippers
  5. like the way the woodland and the black work together but on an other subject flynn what have you done?
  6. ordered a lipo charger for EBAY was told ill have it in 8 days now im being told 30 days so now my brother and myself have to cancel a match on Sunday typical
  7. personally i prefer BBKING but since i can find them any more ive been using these Packs of 5000
  8. please stop with the green screen thank you
  9. im happy because im airsofting tomorrow
  10. a new beret since my five year old one shrunk
  11. yeah every time im at an site in England i could be talking away and no one understands me and its always dont mind him he's Irish
  12. just spent around half an hour yelling at a light switch because it made a new click sound
  13. ive gone back to the classic webbing with two ammo pouches, two utility pouches, nbc pouch, viper holster in place of a PLCE holster and a rocket harness since my webbing one broke off also a wee patch also see if you spot the new pouch if you can
  14. planned to upload this a long time ago and yes i fixed the stock
  15. not much this week just 24 acres of land for my airsoft site
  16. multicam minimi box cover new helmet camera and some AF-UK patches now im happy
  17. dont tell me or my bank account will die
  18. making a post for that Total expenditure page fecking hell my head hurts
  19. you should see the airsoft Ireland forum with the amount of pictures I've added i also found a twenty pound note a zippo lighter and a pack of mints so ive had a good day
  20. the forum patches all come with Velcro and Dev is going to collapse when he see's that order
  21. im happy because i found my camera with some good pic's on it from the start of the year
  22. i normally get a new patch every two month's so far ive got 3 blue (plus lost 2) 2 green and an orange one
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