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Everything posted by craig

  1. you have to respect the SA80 family
  2. im getting a MP7 for a back up so i can go lsw, m4 pdw, shotgun, MP7, glock p226, glock 19 and then the bayonet yes yes i know i carry a lot of kit but i can hold down a fort on my own
  3. ? ? is that a elcan on the SA80 and not a SUSAT
  4. green zone not a bad site i know a few people that go there.
  5. its a bit of a pain at close range but its a lot beater than an acog or an elcan at long range haven said that i intend to get an acog with a mini red dot to replace it
  6. forgot to put up my airsoft gun for when i go to Ireland http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz335/craig13/sa80a2.jpg[mg]
  7. my job because i got to blow sh*t up this week and get paid and next week is the 12th
  8. for a trooper load out you would need a plce holster for a p226 or a browning hp pistol to go with your webbing
  9. ive got about 3 and my brother has 2 but he lost one still dont know how pla to get more for the team
  10. ah the tar 21 its like an over sized paper weight with a mag at the end
  11. my brother has been after a famas since metal gear came out
  12. i love the cabinet can i have one
  13. go for it by the way the laught should be ma ha ha mad
  14. yeah thay are a real pain to take apart watch out for the spring when changing the fps you get hit in the head with that and you'll know about it
  15. i didnt expect them to be velcro as well very nice but next time ill get a tan one to go with my other patch
  16. were going to need a patches in action post soon
  17. out of intrest are thay for sale yet?
  18. mercenarie load out contains mtp trousers black jacket templar vest some dpm desert pouches grab bag m4a1 p226 g18 m3 shotgun and the old bayonet
  19. not to sound like an idiot but I WANT ONE
  20. you cant go wrong with dpm a shotgun and a LOT of ammo
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