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Everything posted by craig

  1. nutster the m4 sort of looks like the one from blood diamond nice work
  2. ordered my new body kit for the m4 project im working on all i need now is a good front ris guard
  3. love the patches i need to get hold of one of them books for my milsim patches
  4. right get this Im at home my first night off in weeks my wee boy is with his mum shopping so i put on a film turned on the electric fire and lit up a fine cigar next thing i know power go's off and the window cracks and the car alarm go's off so i had to go out in the monsoon like rain and now im drenched and as anger as could be now im just waiting for the roof to start leaking.
  5. now thats a pistol everyone take note
  6. nickolas i think i know what your on about sound cool and marksman my brother thinks your sniper rifle is epic did you do your own paint
  7. the 226 its all standard but i have a longer barrel for it's suppressor and ED if ive said it once ive said it a hundred times nice sa80
  8. the wee blue one is the "beast of longisland" its the commando's hand cannon
  9. every weapon i own at the moment and like i said what a M4 should look like
  10. Nicholas good you see someone else rocking the dpm British kit
  12. sent my medals way to be mounted and the ******* lost my distinguished service cross im not a happy man today
  13. sent my medals way to be mounted and the ******* lost my distinguished service cross im not a happy man today
  14. im happy because my m203 arrived now i just have to wait till Saturday to get my acog and ill be stupidly happy
  15. i have to agree with ED i had a red dot at the the front of my m4 just behind the front iron sight and it worked grand and my brother still has one mounted on the front grip of his AK-PMC
  16. bought two claymores with broken remotes for twenty quid fixed them and now im a happy camper
  17. match_man your loadout has made me speechless it look like what i wore back in 2010 good job lad
  18. hopefully by the end of the month i can show you what a proper M4 should look like but on an other note the mp7 turned out well
  19. one of my front teeth just broke off now i look like some sort of hill billy da da ding ding ding ding ding ding ding also it was the same tooth that was shot with an aeg and had root canal so wear a full face mask kids
  20. just woke up at 2 o'feckingclock after a 13 hour shift 9pm-10am, just so my boss could ask if i could work another 13 hour shift at 3pm today
  21. just quit smoking ... now im bored
  22. good work lad and good luck
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