FINIUS WAS SELLING! (give me a min i need to calm down)
funius was selling a elcan! how did i miss that i i i i need to sit down for a bit
why why god hath you for saken me
finius dont listen to them it looks great mad respect to the aimpoint sight hope the finished one looks the same
also on an other note i found my slippers
ordered a lipo charger for EBAY was told ill have it in 8 days now im being told 30 days so now my brother and myself have to cancel a match on Sunday typical
ive gone back to the classic webbing with two ammo pouches, two utility pouches, nbc pouch, viper holster in place of a PLCE holster and a rocket harness since my webbing one broke off also a wee patch
also see if you spot the new pouch if you can
you should see the airsoft Ireland forum with the amount of pictures I've added
i also found a twenty pound note a zippo lighter and a pack of mints so ive had a good day