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Status Replies posted by Mack

  1. L85 owners! What is the best 3 point sling to use?

  2. Can't decide between spending £90 on an elcan spectre or put towards a dedicated BAR?

  3. Can't decide between spending £90 on an elcan spectre or put towards a dedicated BAR?

  4. L85 owners! What is the best 3 point sling to use?

  5. Sopmod finished. BTC Specter fitted, shs gears, re shimmed and lubed, AOE corrected, pinion gear tempered, m90 spring, 6.02 barrel and prommy purple with h nub.

  6. Sopmod finished. BTC Specter fitted, shs gears, re shimmed and lubed, AOE corrected, pinion gear tempered, m90 spring, 6.02 barrel and prommy purple with h nub.

  7. Sopmod finished. BTC Specter fitted, shs gears, re shimmed and lubed, AOE corrected, pinion gear tempered, m90 spring, 6.02 barrel and prommy purple with h nub.

  8. Got engaged on sunday - best feeling in the world.

  9. 30 today .... man do I feel bloody old lol ... grey hairs and everything man.

  10. so i bulit a damn sofa this evening what did you do?!

  11. so i bulit a damn sofa this evening what did you do?!

  12. Been a bit bored of Airsoft recently need something to get me back on track?

  13. Hi guys, i'm looking into buying a different set of camoflauge as I'm not a fan of Multicam anymore due to it being too light. I mainly play in the woods, and was considering Tropical Multicam but it's pretty costly. MTP is used by an absolute ton of people, so I was thinking about AOR2? But i'm not sure.... Opinions please :)

  14. Almost there, so damn close to going to Spartan....

  15. Almost there, so damn close to going to Spartan....

  16. This is CPC look a like yes

  17. This is CPC look a like yes

  18. Will a mayflower back panel fit on a CPC?

  19. Will a mayflower back panel fit on a CPC?

  20. Just tried my Wedding suit on #Nerves

  21. Just tried my Wedding suit on #Nerves

  22. Just tried my Wedding suit on #Nerves

  23. Some people needing a reality check again

  24. Anyone recommend me a good Tech to do some upgrades on my sopmod?

  25. Been on a film binge lately, watched Judge Dredd and Blade Runner so far, anyone got any recommendations?

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