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  • Guns
    US Vietnam Era, and a LOT of Soviet/Russian
  • Loadouts
    25th Inf (Nam), Generic FSB and Ratnik EMR

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  1. What do you mean you don’t want to pay £50 for a singular EMR mag pouch because it’s dusty and ships from Ukraine?
  2. If it’s anything like their other “unique” stuff, It’ll be a mediocre design, probably proprietary somehow, cheap internals but at a high price. However people will buy it because it’s unique and tell themselves it’s good
  3. Sorry about that bud! I didnt think to check to be fair 😂
  4. I saw a set for sale recently, if it's still available I'll dm you 🤙 Edit: Sadly it's sold. It was on the facebook group called "Russian Airsoft International Community", could be worth checking through the impression groups etc though
  5. I removed the divider in one of the pouches then lost it so I kept the rest in 😂 They're all LCT mags except the orange ones with the blue tape which are E&L 🤙 All mid caps excluding the 3 top plums which are high cap
  6. Happily, I'll dig it out 😂 16 mags on my person, one drum mag in the RPK 😂 Can throw the rest in the buttpack if needed too!
  7. Running out of ammo? What's that mean?
  8. I hate when my .5g bb’s mess with my bolt action mosfet 😔
  9. New PKP box mag turned up, arrived broken. Don’t think I’m meant to have this replica 🤬

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Austeyr


      Airsoft world seems to be really slow at responding to return requests, how long does it normally take for those that know 🤔

    3. ButcherBill


      any joy on a replacement?

    4. Austeyr


      Sent it back to them today for a refund, two Raptor box mags being fooked in the same way is a concern. Going to wait for fire support to restock the bullgear insert 🙏

  10. This sadly is the deciding factor for many!
  11. Guess I’ll be getting a new rif soon then 🙄
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