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  • Guns
    US Vietnam Era, and a LOT of Soviet/Russian
  • Loadouts
    25th Inf (Nam), Generic FSB and Ratnik EMR

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  1. I guess it counts as made 🤔 Bought an S&T Mosin on a whim because the price was great from @Pierre It was missing the front sight/muzzle as S&T for some silly reason have it split and held on by a grub screw?! Purchased a PPS mosin barrel (And extras) from @airsoftshooter123 with a hope and dream of fitting the barrel to the S&T After eight hours of grinding, sanding, testing and a lot of “oh ffs” The barrel has been transplanted to the S&T and now I have a “historically accurate” one piece barrel 😂 Found an original Izhevsk front sight too (Which matches the “manufacturer” of the S&T) to finish it off! Eyeing up the bolt action dude upgrade kit & the BAD PU bolt if/when he releases it and a PU scope now. Wrap it in some burlap and go all “Enemy at the gates” 👀
  2. Wood ones being retired anyway, stocks getting really wobbly due to poor securing points. Only used it once 😂 it’ll be a place holder until I can afford a real sword or LCT
  3. Well, I have finally found the cause. After putting the stock piston back into my replica it was still all over the place. Fast forward a few days and I buy a lovely replacement from @strykerles For shits and giggles I figured I’d try the hop up from his (Which was consistent with nearly every shot) and my old wooden furnitured SVD was also consistent! Huzzah!
  4. An insane bargain to be honest!!!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for a 91/30 Mosin Nagant muzzle and sight for an S&T. Money waiting!


  6. I think I found the fault. My piston is cracked near enough all the way down… And they’re out of stock 😭
  7. After messing about more and taking the gearbox apart a million times, the issue still persists. FPS is all over the board. I've checked the hop unit a million times too... Very lost. I thought perhaps air seal issue, but I don't think an air seal issue would cause 200 - 300 fps variations?!
  8. I went back to the original black bucking and nub as thought the ML may have been the issue.
  9. Wanna do a third? 😂 I think I found the cause, the nozzle spring is a bit worn and not sitting straight
  10. Gone back to trying to fix this headache. I fitted a Cyma nozzle and cylinder head, fps is all over the place still (114 - 492 on a .28g BB) I noticed the nozzle seems to do this strange “bounce” IMG_8266.mov
  11. Aren't these £35 brand new? 🤔 Edit: Ah, thought they came included. My bad!
  12. When this was initially listed, I was ready to buy it until I saw it was from the Netherlands and his shady "buyers risk" and quickly realised
  13. Replica + 7 mags & 3 - 5 day shipping for £745. Replica alone over here is nearly £700 I must admit, their prices have gone up but then so has WGC (Tiger111 was cheaper than WGC on the ak too!)
  14. Gave in and back ordered a VFC AK74M GBBR from Tiger111HK. Meant to be early March restock, wonder when it will actually be restocked 🤔
  15. You didn’t miss much bud, hit calling was atrocious today - Other than that it was your average day at Splatoon 😂
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