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    Feyachi RDS-25 Red Dot Sight Bought it last year off Amazon Decided to change to another type of red dot sight so no longer need this. Works perfectly. Cost me £36 on Amazon £20 + £2.50 p&p


  2. Decp369


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    PEQ box with pressure pad Red laser Light Light with laser Strobe function Don’t use it at all so might aswel go Doesn’t come with battery so will need one it takes the CR123a £20 + £2.50 P&p


  3. After some help….. So I have a MWS URGI now & looking to put the 9.3” hand guard with the 10.3” inner. Will both parts just fit without any other parts or bits I’d have to change ?
  4. You can get these for £120 brand new….
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    As stated above Bought it for my MWS but ended up preferring a red dot style comes with a little protective case too battery not included as I need it for my torch & the 123a are about £80 each lol £30 + £2.50 p&p


  6. Decp369

    Warrior triple M4

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    WAS triple m4 mag pouch brilliant if you run different loadouts & want to swap your mag pouch out quickly. think these are about £40 new £25 + £2.50 p&p


  7. Decp369

    Medic pouch

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    Medic pouch brand new great to run on your plate carrier or rig as a admin pouch. Hold your BBs, battery’s, chocolate ect £3 plus £2.50 p&p


  8. Decp369

    Multicam medic pouch

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    Medic pouch believe it’s a uk issued one great to run on your plate carrier or rig as a admin pouch. Hold your BBs, battery’s, chocolate ect £6 plus £2.50 p&p


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    Warrior horizontal pouch bought this but never actually used it these are about £35 ish new £22.50 + £2.50 p&p


    - GB

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    Fast helmet & face pro modded the face pro to fit directly into the helmet. The elastic has had a little repair but still works fine I did cut some of the material from the inside of the helmet because I’ve got a massive head but really doesn’t effect it at all ideal for someone staring out or who is unsure if they like playing in a helmet rather than spending a fortune on one £10 + £2.50 P&P


    - GB

  11. Decp369

    Rail riser

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    As in the title bought it, tried it & it wasn’t really for me to be honest. £30 plus £2.50 P&P


  12. 😂😂 that’s what I hate about dismantling ! All the small parts that fly off everywhere. I seen that vid looks super helpful will have to order the part & fit it. let us know how you got on with it 😁
  13. I’ve got a new mp7 & noticed similar issue with mine. I took out the nozzle & lubed up. When I reload & release the bolt it doesn’t go all the way forward therefore giving it a dead trigger. If you release the mag manually cock it then it works fine. One person did mention the gas freezing up some parts but don’t know if this is true. doesn’t happen all the time but obviously shouldn’t be happening at all
  14. Decp369


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    Gun bag for sale in good condition all zip ect working as they should be easily fitted in my m4 along with a few other bits n bobs in the other compartments only selling as I have now bought a large hold-all think I paid about £35ish for it after £17 posted (that includes PayPal fees)


    - GB

  15. 😂😂 yes took the words out my mouth. You can always look down your nose at the electric noobs when you’re in the gas gang 🤙🏽
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