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  • Guns
    Cyma mp5 platinum edition, ares as02 sniper
    H&K glock 19, ares honey badger am013, jg mp5k, vsr 10
  • Loadouts
    SMG load out, fully Ghillie sniper load out, SAS load out, British infantry load out.
  • Sites
    AP, dragons den, skirmish, national airsoft festival every year.
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Carp fishing, camping, football.

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  1. Will these work with the tm mws
  2. Friday the 27th of September 2024 my dad old man being 58 put a LI-PO battery on charge, didn’t use the fireproof case to charge it in he had as he completely forgot to do so, what harm could I cause right? It’s just a one off. Being avid air softers as we both are he didn’t see any issue with it as it was only going on charge for say 20 mins so he could test his new RIF. he was smoking a cigarette outside the front door and left it on charge in the kitchen and than heard the smoke alarm. By the time he got back into the kitchen the place was ablaze. Fire brigade had to be called. This was all due to incompetence and negligence on his part. Please people. And all you new guys that play airsoft I implore you all to only charge and store your battery’s in a safe place and always use a fireproof pouch or box to charge your battery’s in. if not, this could be you. Thankfully nobody was harmed but the damage is done and the entire house covered in soot. It’s just not worth the risk.
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    • For sale
    • Used

    I’ve worn this twice from new, been sitting in the cupboard with all my other airsoft stuff for about a year, comes with 1 dump pouch 1 6xm4 mag pouch 1 one Tigris utility pouch 1 camel pack 1 radio pouch 2x dummy plates very comfy to wear paid £100 brand new all the added mollie attachments come to around £70 so it’s a bargain for the price. bank transfer/paypal/cash on collection i can post this out what ever method you prefer at your own expense!!! tracking will be provided if postage is the method you choose. or can accept cash on collection.


    - GB

  4. I solved the problem, the piston that I brought as an action army 90 degree piston with a m160 doing, now what I noticed was the rear of the piston was short and there for unable to catch, so I’ve brought a 90 degree piston that has a longer rear and hoping this solves the problem as a friend of mine had the same issues as i. But just for the sake of it I’m going to file a this bit down and see if it makes any difference to test it.
  5. Makes sense to me, could you post a pic or diagram of the part you filed so I don’t cock it up totally! 😂
  6. So if I just filed a bit of the piston sear this should hopefully solve the problem? Could u provide a picture or a diagram for the part I would need to file?
  7. I recently upgraded my Well mb03 with a upgraded piston and spring 90 degree I also purchased a 90 degree trigger box with the seats that are correct for the piston, now I installed it and after putting it together I pull the bolt back and it doesn’t catch it just springs back forward. It doesn’t slam fire!! So that’s been ruled out. I have noticed that when I undo the trigger guard and take that off it works fine but that’s obviously an issue as it’s all ment to go back together and it seems the only way to have this working would be without the trigger guard. Any ideas on what is causing the problem and how to fix it would be appreciated.
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