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Everything posted by Tariq

  1. I could, but lack all the tools/ramp etc. Plus the labour price isn't actually that much, its the parts costs that is the main bit.
  2. And the problems begin... Car going in for new front and rear brake pads, rear brake discs, and a seized caliper. YAY for having no money
  3. really good, especially for a '98. first one I saw was 3 years younger and was pretty much scrap. wanted £3k for it the bastards. found this one in the end, few bits of wear and tear, cracked side mirror but the stuff that counts is all solid. little exhaust rattle but that's being swapped out with a new stainless one soon.
  4. epic time at the midlands weekender. got a whole 1 kill :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tariq


      I like both. 1 kill, but very eventful. Could have got more but my hop rubber decided to die on me. If you're all about kills guys, you could have gone assault squad and done all the boring "take this base" type stuff. We had to recon the site, find the objectives and draw up a map so the other squads could find stuff the next game. Far more interesting than your standard skirmish

    3. TacMaster


      I'd rather be part of the recon team than an assault group. Once you've assaulted 1 position with guns blazing (well, kinda) you've assaulted them all.

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Recon 4 lyfe yo. Feels much more satisfying sneaking past some clueless yob that lighting him up with plastic death.

  5. Transit driver pulled out on me on the motorway and pelted my car with stones. 2 days in and stone chips in the windscreen and a chunk taken out the bonnet from what I would guess was a boulder not a stone. Typical
  6. Picked this up last night. YAY.
  7. Finally picking up the car today :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      I think it was a mazzdurr Mx5 or something.

    3. Tariq


      Mx5. Pics soon. But tip, never let your friend do up the roof hooks on his side.... they unclipped at an undisclosed speed on the motorway. Lol

    4. armysurplusandtoys


      cool mx5 are nice which mark is it? lol i will remember that :)

  8. What's with people using "Z" on acronyms like "RIZ" and "LAZER"... http://tinyurl.com/cm8xrm8

  9. Tariq

    HK416 Vs Colt M4

    Why H&K are awesome. Need to boost my H&K armory. 3 Rifles is never enough.
  10. I know I know. It's just I wouldn't be happy either way
  11. I wouldn't really be "happy" about that lol. More like a silver lined turd. Just hope your insurance don't find out
  12. bike being sold tomorrow and picking up the Mazda on Saturday. yay
  13. James May and his bus filmed right next to me :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Lacock. What a fitting place for James May to visit lol.


      I had to stop watching just after the bus bit because my TV ariel was obliterated by FCUKING RAIN!

    3. Tariq


      My band did the opening of a local library... By playing a 1 hour gig inside it :P was pretty cool having itv news following us round all day filming.

    4. murph


      Sounds pretty cool. That rain forced me to retire my Masada for the remainder of the day earlier - lucky I brought my shotty!

  14. Probably not Having the Mx5 for a few years, then when i get the money getting a S2000. Then also finally moving back to motorbikes when i turn 24
  15. obviously not. Just dont like the look, not to mention aerodynamics when you have them up. Far too oldschool for my liking.
  16. Sorry to disappoint, I've been looking at the 1.8L Mk2's Can't stand pop up lights. Nice to know my G36 will still fit. Don't really care about other people's kit. If i were giving a lift, it would only be my brother who rents gear anyway. Question is... to supercharge, or not
  17. Another Heathen. Dave, can you get the ban hammer in here? Sure beats a small hatchback. Who wants to carry passengers anyway?
  18. Finished work for a few weeks. Now saved enough to buy a car. Also got quoted £750 fully comp on a Mazda MX5. Woop Woop. Just hope my guns will fit in the back
  19. I've seen rubber spears and halberds used for larping. Think they should be a laugh for jousting.
  20. Tempted by a shoulder holster. Would only get a Blackhawk one though, that or one of those fancy Italian leather ones.
  21. RIP 3rd soldier from BB. Was such a nice guy.

  22. You can disassemble the spas, although the only parts you can buy is the cylinder and piston. And I'm pretty sure it's the feeding parts that have snapped. Not too shocking from a gun that's over 5 years old.
  23. Tbh you've all had the same luck with DE that I have had with my TM shotgun. Although I only paid 150 for it so I'm still happy. Now to just buy a working one and transfer the stock
  24. Had to place my PC on my desk, rather than underneath it now because the wifi card broke. Side fans are blowing in my face ¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TacMaster


      At least you can get a cool breeze from it, all my computer does is get hot :(

    3. Tariq


      Its not exactly cool. Case temps are 34C during load

    4. TacMaster


      Fair enough lol

  25. Just got home from work in 13 minutes... That means i averaged 42 miles an hour :P Most of the route is 30mph zones and then twisty country roads... Whoops.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tariq


      Never even seen a camera van either. Living in the country has it's benefits. My town also has the county police depot so i can kinda reconize all the unmarked cop cars now too :P

    3. TacMaster


      There's about 5 police officers stationed in the nearest town, and they barely visit my village. Doesn't stop me panicking when my brother drives at high speeds down the A339.

    4. Tariq


      I'm a very naughty boy. Time was 11.13 tonight. 48mph average! Huzzah! Love night riding.

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