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DanBow last won the day on May 3

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  • Guns
    Valken ASL M4
    CYMA Blue MP5
    WE P226
    G&G GC16 Wildhog
  • Loadouts
    Casual with a bit of DPM thrown in for good measure, or suited and booted aka Heat.
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    Anywhere really. Just playing the field. See what I did there?
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  • Location
    North Shropshire

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  1. I've seen a few adverts on here lately stating that a defence is required and will be checked. Thinking about UKARA, how can an individual check it? I always thought that you couldn't, that it was only for actual retailers.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      I've had people send me screenshots of multiple skirmish booking confirmations.

    3. ak2m4


      @Chopper92 an IT friend did some work on a system, knew the ins and outs of GDPR etc, was also a security bod, but he found a lot of "issues" from the community and decided it just wasn't worth the time and effort involved.   was a shame as I thought it was looking pretty good.

    4. Callsign Warden

      Callsign Warden

      I mean I can show my old UKARA card I got but the date on its 2 years old and that UKARA is expired next month and waiting for my new number from Alpha to come through. Got plenty of photos to show I play dress up in fields though 🤣

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