With regards to any CNC slide, there is no guarantee that they will be a drop in fit just because it is CNC or it is made by a certain manufacturer, no matter how pricey.
Throw in an aftermarket outer barrel by another maker and then see what happens.
That said; from experience: Prime, Nova, PGC, Detonator and Shooters Design are all what I would class as quality manufacturers.
With regards to weight, on a Western Arms 1911 the standard slides used to weigh the same or 5gms less than an equivalent aluminium slide (Prime/PGC/SD). Western Arms do use a heavy weight plastic in most cases.
With Marui though, the metal slide is more than likely to be a bit heavier than the original plastic slide. Some models more than others.
The good news is that the heavier slide gives more of a recoil impulse. Gas efficiency will vary depending on model, but without making an exhaustive list, with an SD slide on an HK45 you can easily rapid fire a magazine without issue. Obviously if you are looking to fire the gun in -5c with 134a or just want 5 mags of BBs off per fill then a metal slide is not for you
As you asked in particular about the HK45, then in this instance I am only referring to the HK45. Each gun model needs to be taken on a case by case basis.
I have fitted both Detonator and SD slides to HK45s.
I would class both as a drop in fit.
Both have Creation metal outer barrels which fit both slides without issue.
The Detonator is a better finished slide. The quality and evenness of machining is better and so are the markings.
Blowback feels similar with both metal slides.
In the first two pictures below the tan frame has the Detonator slide and black frame has the SD.
There is nothing wrong as such with the cosmetics of the SD slide (depending on how fussy you are*), it is just the Detonator one is 'better'.
*For that reason (and because I am pedantic), I ended up getting a second Detonator slide for the black one as seen in the second two pictures. You can compare the photos below which may hopefully guide your decision.