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Mobius Strip

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  1. If the problem only occurs with higher pressure gas then it suggests that it may well an effect the recoil force caused by the stronger gas (directly or indirectly), especially as the problem has gone away using green gas. That said, as with all these things; there could well be other variables that I am unaware of causing the issue.
  2. Hi there. Nice to see your pictures. I use green gas in mine, more specifically Arms gas or RWA gas. I have not encountered the slide locking back prematurely. Do you mean the slide stop is jumping up or the slide is jammed to the rear?
  3. Hi, I just used the standard TM recoil spring and it was certainly up to the job with no ill effects. It is possible that you just need to rack the slide a few (hundred, lol) times to get everything to bed in so that it is nice and smooth. I recommend using Loctite Superlube Oil which come in a handy pen dispenser. I have used this lubricant for years and it is fantastic.
  4. Hey, I ended up using a DCI guns thread protector over the place holder in the pictures above. I will pop some pics below but you may be able to tell it looks a little more suitable (chunkier). I think that you will find the answers to your other questions in my post above with the pics. However, to summarise; no filing necessary, kick felt stronger once the slide was fitted with no problem emptying a magazine when rapid fired. If you need to anything more specific just say 🙂
  5. Hey, no problem. I cannot answer your question though as I only fitted the Volante metal barrel. (I covered up the incorrect 14mm thread with a thread protector). I assume you are after a 16mm threaded barrel? If you want a metal version, I know Detonator do one but I have not had one through my hands so could not even tell you if it would be compatible with the Volante slide.
  6. Honestly, not my intention 🙈 😅
  7. With regards to any CNC slide, there is no guarantee that they will be a drop in fit just because it is CNC or it is made by a certain manufacturer, no matter how pricey. Throw in an aftermarket outer barrel by another maker and then see what happens. That said; from experience: Prime, Nova, PGC, Detonator and Shooters Design are all what I would class as quality manufacturers. With regards to weight, on a Western Arms 1911 the standard slides used to weigh the same or 5gms less than an equivalent aluminium slide (Prime/PGC/SD). Western Arms do use a heavy weight plastic in most cases. With Marui though, the metal slide is more than likely to be a bit heavier than the original plastic slide. Some models more than others. The good news is that the heavier slide gives more of a recoil impulse. Gas efficiency will vary depending on model, but without making an exhaustive list, with an SD slide on an HK45 you can easily rapid fire a magazine without issue. Obviously if you are looking to fire the gun in -5c with 134a or just want 5 mags of BBs off per fill then a metal slide is not for you As you asked in particular about the HK45, then in this instance I am only referring to the HK45. Each gun model needs to be taken on a case by case basis. I have fitted both Detonator and SD slides to HK45s. I would class both as a drop in fit. Both have Creation metal outer barrels which fit both slides without issue. The Detonator is a better finished slide. The quality and evenness of machining is better and so are the markings. Blowback feels similar with both metal slides. In the first two pictures below the tan frame has the Detonator slide and black frame has the SD. There is nothing wrong as such with the cosmetics of the SD slide (depending on how fussy you are*), it is just the Detonator one is 'better'. *For that reason (and because I am pedantic), I ended up getting a second Detonator slide for the black one as seen in the second two pictures. You can compare the photos below which may hopefully guide your decision.
  8. I have fitted one. Although I have not fitted the Marui red dot personally, the area does look the same once the slide is fitted. I did also get this from Kim at Volante during my purchase. "I recommend to use it with RMR mountable aluminium housing as original FNX can't mount RMR size sights." I would email Kim at Volante if you have any questions as he is absolutely brilliant to deal with and I always find him helpful. The slide itself went on with minimal fitting. Certainly well made with good tolerances. There is a lack of full markings on the right of the slide. Better that than the wrong markings I guess. Metal RMR cover and sights would have been a nice extra. Recoil impulse has improved. I can still empty a full mag, rapid firing with no adverse cool down effect which is good enough for me. The obvious comparison has to be made with the Cybergun/VFC version of course. I made some mods to mine which need to be taken in to account. My VFC versions have the same internal upgrades: Azimuth lightweight blowback housing and nozzle. (This improves gas efficiency at the expense of a small amount of recoil impulse as I found the standard set up started to suffer cool down effects by the end of the mag if the gun was rapid fired). Marui HOP rubber, I key and inner barrel. (Standard set up was terrible). Guns Modify 125% recoil spring (for Glock 17) which is just a bit weaker than standard but fitted in conjunction with the lighter blowback housing to help fight cooldown. Handling both brands shows a similar weight and feel. No extreme size differences to note. Firing them both side by side shows similar FPS with green gas. VFC has the edge on recoil. VFC has better trademarks. Marui HOP beats VFC hands down. Fantastic stock unit, not even on halfway and lifts .30s with ease. VFC has a few minor QC 'foibles', most of which can be dealt with. There are many other details but the bottom line is the Marui version is a better skirmish gun out of the box (or with the metal slide) but the VFC has the edge on details. Once modified it does bring them closer. Different people want different things out of a gun but I feel the perfect FNX would be a hybrid of both. I hope this helps 🙂
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