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Everything posted by Beorn


    • For sale
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    Hi folks, putting up my beloved Avalon saber for sale as a back injury means I'm unfortunately having to leave the hobby behind for a good long while, maybe forever The rifle is is great (I've seen negative opinions of these online but it has been flawless for me on the 4 or 5 gamedays I've taken it to, very good trigger response, great accuracy and consistency, and overall a very snappy reliable package) Its accurate at a solid range and perfect for woodland/outdoor skirmishing. I've used it in CQB although it is on the longer side. It is wired to deans and comes in at 334 fps as far as I remember, so its ready for most fields straight away. It will come with all the bits attached in pics (sight, torch, grips etc, around 100 quids worth give or take) since I'm having to take a break from the hobby for a significant period and can't have it taking up space in my little flat unfortunately. I will include the rifle bag but ONLY FOR PEOPLE COLLECTING, as it is too awkward to post with the rifle. I will consider postage of the rifle itself and attachments/mags but this will incur additional costs, so collection is very much preferred. Location is North London, near Finsbury Park. I will also include 4 VFC QRS mid cap mags (1 black 3 tan) which work amazingly with this rifle, no wobble and very satisfying to use. These are usually around 15 quid a pop on their own. Am also throwing in 2 hardly used LiFe batteries that fit perfectly with the stock of the rifle, and 1 Lipo that also fits perfectly, all wired to deans. Happy to hear sensible offers, but I will require a valid UKARA. Honestly gutted to be giving her up but 30 has hit me like a brick and I may never recover it seems! May also be listing some additional bits so keep an eye out in the next few weeks. Thanks for looking


  2. If this rif goes for 200 brand new, where is 500 coming from?
  3. Beorn


    If you're ever after something a bit different I'd recommend Barti Spiced. Used to be called Barti Ddu (Black Bart) until recently. Its infused with seaweed and this creates quite a unique taste as far as rum goes, and quite a moreish one at that
  4. Just wondering - does anyone have or know of any discount codes for Eagle6 Airsoft by any chance? Looking to buy a new pew before my UKARA expires and in this economy every little helps! Cheers

  5. God how tired and desperate must they be to try and peddle this old rope? I am always skeptical of people who push national service in the name of building 'community'. If only it were that fucking easy! If we are interested in building community and stopping the disintegration of 'civil society' we must start much earlier and rethink the core values that have been rammed down people's throats. As Thatcher infamously said 'there is no such thing as society'. This disastrous myth, the first commandment of neoliberalism, insists that we are individuals first and only. We must support ourselves, we are on our own. People been fed this shite for a long time now. How can a society hold this toxic credo at its core and then demand national service in the name of solidarity and community, some nebulous greater good that they have little to no real share in? How can those people who are richest, who have benefited most from a prior era of relative stability and prosperity demand anything from the first generations in a long time projected to be far worse off than their parents in almost every metric? It reeks. Youth clubs have been decimated for over a decade. Even third spaces for adults seem to be slowly drying up. Wages are stagnant even while corporate greed continues to squeeze us. Childcare costs are beyond extortionate. AI is apparently coming for everyone's job. Housing is in total shambles. Our rivers and seas are being pumped full of shite... like its an actual fucking shit show! The caliber of leadership has utterly plummeted. They are out of ideas, just throwing shit like this at the wall now to see what might stick. Labour won't do much better but I think seeking a bit of stability and taking stock of the situation without a fucking new leader every 6 months would be a start.
  6. I want to swap my stock too! Personally quite like a the magpul style CTR and STR stocks but I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit my crane battery into them. At the moment I've a 'stock' VFC QRS stock which is ok looks wise but wobbles like fuck despite my tinkering which is annoying
  7. I started playing late last year and have been going solo. I found it weird at first and was a bit uncomfortable but eventually you'll become comfortable especially after a few times at the same site. Third time playing at a site recently, got talking to a guy and before you know it we were playing as buddies all day which was a ton of fun, so its definitely possible to make friends if you persevere
  8. I had one a few months ago that I used for a few skirmishes and it was decent enough quality. I never put it through too much abuse so hard to say how long it would hold up over many years but it was serviceable from what I experienced. I only sold it on because I wanted to switch to multicam and got a good deal on a Viper one. If you're looking for a plate carrier on a budget I'd recommend checking out Aliexpress too
  9. Yeah it seems so, I'd be willing to stretch to 450 for something special. But maybe I should save for a while longer and run the current gun into the ground then level up and look at an MWS or something. I do have GBBR aspirations at some point haha Good to hear both those options have decent reputations, although after looking at some reviews I see what you mean about inconsistency. Some say the external finish of the specna isn't great which I think would bother me quite a bit since the VFC really is lovely externally and is performing very solidly also. My only complaint with it is its weighty and a bit long (thats what she said) May simply do as others have suggested here for now and break my existing rifle down when traveling to save space. Maybe wait and see if anything interesting comes out over the next few months or something. One day I'll get something like that sorted but in our shoebox apartment I think my landlord would have something to say, let alone the gf!
  10. I think ideally around the 3 to 400 or so mark, 450 as a stretch potentially. I'd like something with good out of the box performance as I'm not confident with any aspect of teching. Decent externals are a plus. Trouble is its hard to gauge value as a relative noob at the moment because the naming scheme for most rifs is quite confusing imo, and if you don't know much about airsoft internals trying to separate the wheat from the chaff is also quite difficult. I do look at reviews and stuff (ollie talks airsoft) etc for info where I can though
  11. Haha I don't have enough room in my flat otherwise I'd be tempted to hoard! I do prefer a MK18 style carbine sort of length I think, I can see the merit of one of those stubby bois but I don't think I even want to go that short really. I do really like the look of the TM 416C, but I don't think I can be arsed as I've heard the battery setup for those can be annoying and I don't really want to fuck around swapping it to deans and all that jazz. EDIT: Good point on the breaking it down thing, I honestly never even thought of the possibility but that could work. Probably still find some way to cock it up though knowing me I am not the most practical lol
  12. Hey folks, looking for some recommendations and opinions if possible! I've just applied for my UKARA finally and hope to get it soon. While I have a perfectly good rif that I got on the classified's here (VFC Avalon Saber Carbine) which has honestly worked flawlessly across 4 or 5 skirmish days so far, I'm thinking of selling it on and getting something new, potentially brand new in box. I got the VFC because I heard they had decent out of the box performance and as a noob that sounded good to me. My one and only grip with it so far is that its on the longer side, coming in at 81cm with the stock fully collapsed and no suppressor. So far I've tended to play at fairly short ranged sites and from what I've read barrel length really has very little effect on range anyway. But most of all I would like a smaller, more compact RIF so that its easier to transport as I primarily use public transport to get to game days. At the moment I manage by putting all my kit, including the rif, into a very large holdall that has wheels (sort of like a hockey kit bag) but tbh its a stinker getting around like that sometimes. I've cast an eye around for some options with comparable performance, but a much more compact size, that I can swap to. Some of the options I've found are: Honey badger - https://extremeairsoft.co.uk/product/ares-am-014-bk-short-honey-badger-with-extended-silencer-black/ Specna Arms Edge 2.0 M4 - https://jdairsoft.net/primary/assault/108/specna-arms-raa-sa-e25-edge-2-0-carbine1 I've looked at SMG's but to be honest I don't think I'm interested unless someone has a very strong recommendation. I already have M4 mags though and don't really wanna go buying a shitload of new mags or anything for a new SMG. Has anyone used either of those rifs linked above? If so how have they performed? Any other good recommendations I've missed would also be welcome! Thanks!
  13. After umming and ahhing last night I decided to head down to Red1 Chislehurst this morning on the bus (a whopping 1hr 40 across 2 buses and a 2hr bus ride home afterward as well!) as planned for my third time, meaning at the end of the day I got my UKARA submitted finally. The forecast said there might be rain by mid afternoon but nothing came of it and it was a glorious day for airsoft. Avalon performed satisfactorily, no hiccups in terms of reliability although I do think the accuracy could be better. I don't have much experience tweaking the gun at all, and haven't really touched the hop, as most of the time the bbs fly true. Occasionally though one will zing off into the abyss apparently at random. May try some slightly heavier bbs soon once I've exhausted the 0.2's. May try some .25s or something. My first visit at this site was relatively fun (beginners luck maybe), and the second time here was much worse as I mentioned in a prior summary a few months ago. Third time really must be the charm, because I had a ton of fun today. I think part of that was due to way lower numbers than before (national airsoft festival?), which I think meant there was more room to maneuver and it was easier to learn who was on your team or not. The atmosphere was also great for the most part. Got talking to a guy who I had quite a lot in common with (aside from airsoft! who was actually on the same bus as me en route) which was cool. There was one instance of arguing that I didn't witness personally, but which people were talking about in the safe zone during a drink break. Apparently someone making a scene during a game, someone confronted someone else about 'stolen valor' due to having a military patch on their airsoft impression kit. During the discussion people generally thought it was out of order to have a go at someone for a patch in essentially a cosplaying capacity which tbh I think I agree with. It wasn't like the guy was out there trying to get a free lunch. By the by, the morning games were pretty fun, I think partly due to having more energy, it being a bit cooler etc. One of the games I quite enjoyed used the decent trenches section of the site. Both teams posted up at either end of the trenches, each team given a flag with the goal to move the flag as far up the trench line as possible. The flag could only be moved within the trench. If flag carrier gets shot, flag gets dropped and someone else must carry it forward. It was fun to play in quite a focused area and use the little cover available to inch forward and try to coordinate those moving up in the trench with cover moving up alongside outside of the trench. It did bring to mind some of the footage I've seen from over in Ukraine, and gave the tiniest hint of how difficult and terrifying trench warfare must be. Sides weren't switched after the game ended, that same game would be replayed with switched sides later in the afternoon (which I quite liked as it added a bit of variation instead of switching sides straight away) Second game I enjoyed was a fallback game which surprised me. I tend to hate fallback games, especially on defence (which we were) because it often devolves into waiting around and confusion as people fall back at different rates. The starting defence was in a very small, limited area with little cover directly around the fracking sites. The fallback area after that was the first cqb village, then the second cqb village and then the final one was the woods behind all of that. Our initial defence of the fracking wells lasted for a really long time due to some stiff resistance, good accurate shots and some very nice coordination and call outs between people covering different arcs. I think it was so fun because I managed to hang in there with a smallish group who doggedly defended for longer than you would expect given the limited cover. Holding a fairly indefensible position like that was really satisfying and fun. Things slowed down once in the villages but still got some nice firefights. We re-ran those games in the afternoon with the sides switched and there were a few other games too, one being played in the main CQB village. 4 players were placed in the tower at the middle of the village and teams had to race to extract them. Unfortunately our team didn't get the memo about the race (slightly lackadaisical marshaling on this point, one of the specific things I've noticed with the marshals here is that the briefings on specific game rules aren't the clearest. Marshals don't describe the boundaries very well so noobs frequently get lost, and important details like it being a race seem to get lost in translation) so the first round was over after about 2 minutes because we thought we were attacking to extract those players with the other team simply defending, instead of both teams being able to extract. A re run of the game yielded similarly unsatisfying gameplay, but that may be because I don't particularly love sprinting through CQB carelessly and prefer a more considered and deliberate approach to gameplay generally (especially since my back issues) Atmosphere was really good all day long (aside from that small argument that I didn't personally witness earlier in the day) lots of joking and good sport between the teams, no issues with hit taking AT ALL which was awesome. Best day I've had so far on that front actually. Overall it was one of the better days of airsoft I've had, and I defo see the appeal of smaller teams/player counts as it just seemed to make everyone more accountable on hit taking as well as friendlier. It seemed to make it easier for marshals to manage things also, and allowed you to actually move around the map a bit without getting zapped immediately from 8 different angles which was fun. Hopefully my UKARA comes through relatively quickly (fingers crossed), I've had some fun down there but with my obligations met I can look further afield now as mentioned in a different thread. Reforger is on the cards, then perhaps tower airsoft/AP and some sites further afield, I've had my eye on going to a weekender down at Imperium but will have to see what happens!
  14. Brace yourselves for yet another generic M4 build. My first RIF, totally stock rifle covered in chinesium bits and bobs but I'm pretty happy with it to be honest! Just need to earn a bit of weathering on it now or maybe take a rattle can to it... if I dare
  15. I feel quite strongly that arm bands or other team identifiers should be clearly visible at all times - only be worn on the arm or on the upper part of the torso at the very least (around the shoulder strap of the carrier/vest etc.) Its only fair. I don't think ghillie's should get special prerogatives beyond what they already have by nature of wearing the ghillie which does give an advantage if used correctly. If someone is able to spot you based on your armband (which is already difficult to spot at the best of times in my experience) then they deserve that kill I reckon. I only have a 1x and I find it hard enough to see blokes in normal gear beyond a certain distance. Trouble is I also don't want to be the guy whining to the staff about it because it just feels petty so 🤷‍♂️
  16. As a relative noob to airsoft I know for sure I wouldn't want to play at any site where chrono isn't taken seriously. Especially HPA, which from the little I've read seems to have the most potential for fuckery. I don't think there's any reason to protect the site or players that are doing this, the rules are supposed to make the game as enjoyable and safe as possible for everyone. I can't lie I love the idea of milsim and defo want to experience that so to me the use of blanks/grenades seems super cool, but if it happened at a normal game day with no warning I'd be very confused and concerned. Having only played a few times so far, even grenades going off nearby shit me up something rotten
  17. Hey, quick question! How come the trades and markings are so white on this? Of the pictures I've seen on the TM HK45 the trades and stuff are much less bold and are more like engraved from what I've seen? Thanks!
  18. I'll definitely take you up on that some time guys, thanks! I think I can get up to Arlesey pretty easily via the Thameslink or the train up to MK aye. I'll put spec ops on the to do list Cool man I'm hoping to make it down there this Sunday so we may cross paths Couldn't have put it better myself haha, that being said its good to have the option to get to a site in the week if the urge strikes. I can definitely see it being more fun with less players, both times I was there it was so busy the chokepoints were just hilariously clogged haha
  19. Yeah I did go to Bunker 51 but I didn't love the site to be honest
  20. You probably know yourself @Colin Allen but there are playing fields very near to Red1 Chislehurst and there will often be kids playing footy on a Sunday morn, both times I've been down there marshals made a point during briefing of telling players not to shoot out into the playing fields on purpose. The fact people need to be told (and will still subsequently ignore it if they think they can get away with it) does indicate the generally pitiful state of the moral and intellectual playing field. As a relatively new player I find the 'safe' zone to feel quite unnerving most of the time and I do find myself worrying about how blasé other people are r.e safety. Making those barrel socks mandatory in the safe area seems like a no brainer. It almost seems like the sort of thing that airsofters and site owners should throw their weight behind en masse. Seems like such a simple and effective solution to make things safer
  21. I've been out of the game for a few months with some pretty pathetic and annoying lower back issues but things are almost back to normal and I've been chomping at the bit to play. I need to go once more down at Red1 Chislehurst to finally get my grubby little mitts on a UKARA. Is anyone thinking of playing down there this Sunday? If so let me know it would be cool to say hi! After I've got that final session for the ukara out of the way I'm thinking its time to branch out and hit a few new/better sites. Slightly limited by public transport out of London but I've got my eye on Reforger (although I've heard its ghillie's galore which is a little off putting personally). I also really would love to get over to Tower Airsoft or Airsoft Plantation which I've seen so many good things about, so would be cool to head there too
  22. I've got a pair of Valken Tango goggles with the thermal lenses and they're pretty good so far. Fog a little on extremely hot humid days but the fog also dissipates quickly when moving. Selection of lenses and and have taken a few shots without a mark on them. Work well with my mask/helmet setup, pretty happy with them overall Edit: I don't use any sort of inner goggle anti fog solution or anything with them as I'm not sure what one to use, so considering this their performance in terms of not fogging seems great, but I dont have a ton of experience with other setups either
  23. Airsoft gear seems like the new and best hedge against inflation... at least that's what I may start telling my gf...
  24. 170 new… yeah. That’s why I said, 120-130 is in the reasonable category in that case, agreeing with your comment on it? I just find it wild that I could get a brand new gun with warranty and a mag for 139, or a used gun +2 mags for 130. Not trying to be disingenuous, but whatever
  25. Fair enough, thanks! So in reality 120 to 130 is in the reasonable category for that... even though it can be had brand new for essentially the same price that's wild! Ah so there is a workaround for sellers, in that they can price a premium for a 'no questions asked' policy re defences. Makes sense, thanks both!
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