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Colin Allen

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Colin Allen last won the day on March 20

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About Colin Allen

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Far too many!
  • Loadouts
    Flecktarn, NVA, CCE, Finnish M62, Ukrainian, Vegetato, Mimetico Deserto, Alpenflage, Swedish M90.
  • Sites
    Airsoft Plantation, Splatoon, Dragon's Lair and anywhere else that looks interesting.
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Where my shadow starts.
  • Interests
    Archaeology, sound engineering/recording, running a lightshow, walking, wildcamping, Central Asia, China.

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  1. I am so sorry for the loss of someone who was obviously loved by you all. The way that Ollie dealt with his illness was inspirational.
  2. I would happily deliver it to you.
  3. I have seen it claimed, but cannot remember where and for which motor. I would leave the ARL in place.
  4. There should be a longer spring that sits in the rear of the fake bolt and pushes it forward when you let go of the charging handle.
  5. Voluntary liquidation due to insolvency.
  6. Indeed; that is the apparent over reaction. I deal with flagged cases on a weekly basis and would only ever escalate to Prevent if I had very serious and urgent concerns. I have done that once. My favourite case was a chap who was flagged for multiple hits on "weapons related" (actually airsoft) websites and on an airsoft site that I occasionally played at. In the meeting, I went through all the required stuff and then asked him if he had played at the site; he had, including on a couple of days when I was also there.
  7. That depends on what outcome you are looking for.
  8. I would not recommend this approach. The school have taken this step because they feel the need to do so; it is probably an over reaction but the best response would be to engage with them in a calm and measured manner.
  9. Another vote for Cat Crap; it works well, as does this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00ESL80E0?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
  10. One small part of my role is as the safeguarding officer for my organisation; I regularly receive referrals concerning individuals about whom concerns have been raised. I am surprised that this has gone straight to Prevent without an initial lower level intervention, unless they have other concerns. Based on what you have written, the school appear to have over reacted. Make an appointment with the Head and calmly explain the situation to them, showing them that shooting with toy guns in a safe and controlled environment is perfectly legitimate and that you are following professional advice by indulging his equally legitimate interests in history, war and politics while keeping a careful eye on what he is accessing and on his views. Whatever you do, do not show anger or frustration with them.
  11. Badly run, inconsistent rules, clueless marshals (including one who had to be persuaded to wear eyepro in the playing area), no checks on mags in guns when returning to the safe zone, loads of mags in guns in safe zone, lots of dry firing in safe zone, loads of speedsofters spamming guns in the semi-only CQB section.
  12. Would you consider taking an interest in playing at Tactical Warfare Airsoft? That site needs to be closed down.
  13. They have it rough as well! An RAF chap I used to know once had to stay in a 4 star hotel.
  14. It is for sale for a mere £900. https://prefired.co.uk/ads/arc-1-hpa-rifle/
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