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  • Guns
    Glock 18c
  • Sites
    Ucap bunker
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LocoP08's Achievements

  1. Booked my first airsoft match for me and my little brother! Buzzing

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LocoP08


      @Rogerborgi bet! Lol and @GAMBLEill check that out right now thanks mate and ucap bunker! It’s local to me

    3. GAMBLE


      Hi @LocoP08 👋

      Heard good things about that site, from other players, on my list to go there? 🤔
      Hopefully you both have a good time and make sure to let us know on here! 🤞👍


    4. Shamal


      Hi @LocoP08

      No unfortunately not ☹

      As much as I'd like to. but have to polish me nails and straighten my hair in readiness for the weekend nae bash plus need to conserve what energy I can lol.


      Hope you and little bro have a great experience 👍


      Remember your gun lights or torches 🔦 and expect to get hit a lot.lol

      And remember that the marshall are there to help you so if you are unsure of anything just ask.

      My first couple of times I just tagged along with someone who looked like they new what was happening. They are easy to spot. They are they ones that are messing around with kit and spinning round shooting invisible baddies while the briefing is going on.😄


      Have a great evening 👍💥





  2. Hey guys sorry I didn’t see any replies the website didn’t give me a notification lol. I’ve bought some gun oil now and taken it apart and cleaned and greased it back up and it’s working perfectly. I must of let It dry out 😂duh. Thanks for replies
  3. Lol sick

    1. Lozart


      You spelled "fucking awful" wrong.

    2. Shamal


      No he's right.

      Made me sick in the first ten seconds 🤮

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      never thought i'd get to use this phrase again what with the decline of conventional media and the rise of streaming services but:


      "they really can an will televise anything these days"

  4. Can anyone please explain what is going on here?? And how to fix it, thanks 👀

  5. Noob testing

     out the tm glock 18c 😂
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LocoP08


      @Misery never played a match and I wanted to feel it close range lool figured I might as well know what to expect

    3. Shamal



      I've never been run over but I'm not about to jump in road and find out what it's like.



    4. Misery


      @LocoP08i hadnt played by that point either and didnt want to shoot myself was extremely unintentional XD

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