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Misery last won the day on May 8 2021

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  • Guns
    tm sopmod.cyma cm.098a e platinum,cyma cm.621,cyma cm.516,,jw3 combat master,1911,gen 4 g17
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    viper strike airsoft.evoloution airsoft.fort.area 66
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  1. im so glad i didnt pay for the original work done on my sr25 by certain shop......

    so far couple weeks ago after a failure at the field found rack bent they  had grinded it down in the piston and they ground part of the piston holding the rack which has allowed it to flex and bend.then tonight decided to s hop my barrel and low and behold locktite holding the c-clip in spring on top aswell,also if im not mistaken when flat hopping your suppose to remove the mound on the inside of the rubber? well they had just threw in a flat nub and called it a day!!!

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    2. Misery


      @ak2m4the plastic that holds the rack in had been ground down quite a bit where the two teeth removed at the first pick up tooth  wish had took a photo of the piston when i weas replacing it

      And cheers for the quick turnaround on the hop unit bud had to grind a bit of my cyma's receiver for the rotary dial but other than that fitted like a charm XD



      @Rogerborgi did comment on his vid asking if it was the same shop XD,they hadnt even removed the ridge bud was just standard hopped with a flat hop nub,yeah bud i agree with both yous on that one,aint protecting was never my attention to publicly  name and shame tech could of had a bad day god i know how many of them ive had etc i know doesnt excuse it but was more to gauge wether i was over reacting or if was a common thing morre than anything bud.ill dm who ever wants to know what shop it is but i aint just going to publicly out em as bar hearing about one other issue all ive heard is gd things about the shop


    3. Druid799


      I can totally see why players want to do the work themselves BUT equally if I don’t want the ballache of learning how to do the tech work on my guns I should expect the best results when I pay a supposed reputable retailer to do the work for my hard earned money ? 
      as to the SR I take it it’s 2nd hand from the way you worded the post ? So question is did you have the actual bill or a copy of the bill for the work that’s supposedly been done ? Or could the seller have pulled a fast one on you and sold you their own botch job on the gun and passed it off as piss poor professional upgrade work ? 

    4. Misery


      @Druid799yup 2nd hand but low usage when purchased from sellar titan was only showing over 1000 odd rounds through it and gun was bought new pre moded from the shop yeah bud got the receipt of work deffo not a botch job from the seller bud if was any thought it could of been the seller i would of messaged or put up feedback about it rather than put up a post bud

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