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Everything posted by TPI

  1. Dude it dosen't even matter I got to sit out and wind everyone up because I had brace's and Couldn't get too involved incase I brake them -_ no wait that's a :-p
  2. "Clips will be less easy to find methinks" Their actually easyier to find than cordura fabric
  3. I'm thinking of the one i posted a link to in the supporter's Forum where it had the Zip in the Lower Part only but i'm pretty sure that's the Latest issue?
  4. Grrr Rounded my L85's FH Grubscrew trying to undo it and i can't close a V2 Gearbox that i'm working on because the Trigger keep's jumping out the FH Keep's jumping out and i have to try spare 3 extra finger's i don't have on the front end of the GB so i don't end up chasing out round the house trying to put the spring in....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TPI


      nah my FH is already on the rifle i just wanted to take it off and put a new FH on :-(

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Oh but it's stuck because you don't have a screw small enough for the grub screw?

      I was lucky enough to be able to just force my FH off, despite the grub screw. It's all still fine as well. It must just not have been screwed in properly. At the time I didn't even realise there was a screw, I thought it was just slightly off in shape, or a tight screw fit or something lol.

    4. M_P


      Can't you just drill it out?

  5. Just f*cking Kill Me now... WHY OH f*cking WHY ARE THEIR CHEAP ASS f*cking GRUB SCREW@S USED TO HOLD FLASH Hider's ON

    1. Nickona


      what gun is it for as I think i have a grub screw somewhere from my old M4 is you need one

    2. TPI


      no thank's nick the FH is still on my L85 i need it off but ICS Grub's are apparently made out of swiss cheese

  6. Nick that's a lie MC work's great too we really need to get together so i can show you how to use MC Properly...
  7. Peugeot's are great i still want a 106, 206, 306 STI and a 307
  8. I Must Admit i did forget what the Feck you were talking about their Ed :-d I Bought an SA80 RIS a New Switch Block for the M4 i have had to withhold from selling because the wiring was no where near worth paying for (I'm still waiting for the guy to tell me if he has found my Pin that sit's above the Trigger aswell ) an a TYR 10oz i think it was Hydro Pack :-)
  9. Did everyone enjoy their New Yar's Eve night out? I sure as hell work's gonna be awkward as f*ck and i was teaching friend's how to pick up chick's #GoodTimes

  10. Ed you can Put an Empty Gearbox back in you know
  11. Nice I'm not the only one on here today then
  12. Two Zero i hope your being Sarcastic otherwise i'm as confused as Nickona's Chipmunk (Wherever did that thread go? Sorry Nick!) well seeing as they're still putting crap like that about (Although the 4 Inch gas version is slightly Skirmishable like any revolver) they are as bad as Z1 IMO
  13. ^^^^ Good on you dude Confidence* in yourself and being you is key! ^^^^ *Not COCKYNESS Though Been told i'm to be trained as a Team Leader for Checkout's at the Frontend of Tesco just 1 year after i joined (don't have the Heart to tell them i could be leaving soon)
  14. i Couldn't even get passed the first level (Think it was the first one) i just kept getting erased by a Chopper
  15. A Brand new Can Full of whoop-ass for the next person who ask's me to TT But not....
  16. If you haven't noticed i'm feeling the Troll Bug right now...

    1. Tariq


      Its a bug? I have the disease :P

  17. what are you talking about i'm on top no one calls' anyone a southern pansy sept me! Ya great big wet Flower you!
  18. i Swear atleast one Picture you Put up in every post has you in that Same field no less than 10 Meter's away from the Previous position. Bit of Tactical Area Defending their?
  19. I really want a TM L96 For a sh*t ton of Photoshoot's (Yes i'm doing it to get some aswell lad's!)

  20. TPI

    battlefield 3

    and i was giving very close info that was anywhere on the map lol i would have stayed longer but my Box kept Freezing when i turned it back on i was well enjoying destroying everyone in the Chopper...
  21. TPI

    battlefield 3

    The one's before the CQB lot i Have their's a sh*t ton of Update's too lol
  22. TPI

    battlefield 3

    What Map's are you running i'm still refusing to budge and buy the new one's
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