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Everything posted by TPI

  1. Lol You just have to laugh at some people

  2. Exactly the same here alway's carrying spare's for... spares that either can't hit anything or can but their using too many BB's to do it! i Used to carry 16 Metal Mid's loaded on .25's having now given 14 to my brother and buying 6 E Mag's i'll only use the E Mag's and at most 1 at Full cap or 4 at Realistic Cap.. I would get the E Tool just to go with the Impression (You might even one day attend somewhere like Berget! and suddenly you'll have it as a functional bit of your Kit!)
  3. My old Chem Teacher was convinced her GrandMother's way of doing tea was the right & British way of doing it (Leaving the Milk out entirely!) Personally the right way for me is how the Queen used to have it! (My GrandMother was a Foot servant!) and yes I'm a Royalist and most of the other's couldn't care much more than other less Royalist's!
  4. Well that thread on arnie's got out of hand Real fast and ididn't even get to have my say.... stupid need to make money...

  5. Easier to adjust it to that Perfect FPS and is Literally Free almost all the time!
  6. *Pro Tip* use Cardboard, Tissue or Paper!
  7. What? I'm not subbed to him so i have no idea lol
  8. HAND Sewing Prototype chest rig's now Ed! my hand's already hurt...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TPI


      Yea I'm trying not to break the needle but it's all in Nylon can't wait to try 1000D Cordura when it arrive's

    3. AirsoftTed


      Sounds like it'd be good to get a sewing machine soon, until then I guess its finding the compromise between a thick needle for strength and a thin one so the holes arnt massive

    4. armysurplusandtoys


      top secret, sewing is not my best subject but did hand stitch a ghillie suit and found my hands hurt. It was my grandmothers idea who is an expert in the sewing matters and she gave me a thimble, It really helped but its a classified matter as its not manning up. LOL so this info is not for the public :)

  9. You would make more use out of a Rifle first then loadout and then Sidearm But with 2 Mags the ACM Serpa the Fi-Dragon Iron sight's and The OEM Iron Sight's £113 sound's reasonable to me.
  10. CAP'S IMPLY YOUR SHOUTING ON THE INTERNET'S!! I'm just about to Put my KWA G19 up for sale though... and when my M4 Arrive's i'll be selling that too
  11. Nope i have a couple of para Stock's and other TopCompatible stuff but not a foresight (Their all stored in my loft anyway's)
  12. What Brand is it i may have a Spare Foresight!
  13. Dam I Wanna get Mine back from the guy i sold my baby too... or even rebuild the old Star with the Twig for a trigger RIP My LittleWorkHorse Daddy still Wuv's you both! But Nick i'm pretty sure their supposed to have a front Iron Sight?
  14. Considering i Hate G36's with the stock that the C Variant is usualy sold with in Airsoft, you've done Pretty good overall (Don't be disheartened!) If i had to find something i can put word's to and somewhat describe without talking to you it'd be the supperssor's Etching in the body work dosen't Line up with the end of the rail system (Not far enough back) otherwise the White Trade's i Think add an extra little something nice to it! Eolad's do use Pressure switch's or atleast the 552 one's do
  15. I Like it Ian well apart from the Suppressor Good idea on mounting the laser on the Inside of the RIS aswell!
  16. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I'm Good in tank's No idea on my stat's or anything but i excell while Piloting Chopper's either Transport or not and dogfighting in them with jet's (Exsclusively Play With the Mortar dude or the Medic =D)
  17. Ooh I don't have any spare paper's at the Mo either :-(
  18. Your in the same boot as me then I'm struggling to find a Size 10 set of Magnum's anywhere that's not outrageous price's!
  19. TPI

    battlefield 3

    Some people do because i geuss i come across as too Agressive in Text (Trying to change that though and Improve my written Language!) I see it now yeah Poor choice of word's on my part then You might Like Arma or the Operation Flashpoint serie's (Their a bit more Simulation too), I don't know if that would float your boat though. but OF has Taken over from BF with ease in my personal opinion
  20. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I never said BF3 wasn't competing before hand anyway i said what i said because you mentioned BF4 being released so soon so i told you MOH was Axed it's likely because EA saw a way to maybe make more Green and become a better rated shooter (If anything it's put me off buying Battlefield game's at all anymore) MOH was aimed Primarily at getting the COD People one year and then the next year it was battlefail and they alternated all i said is that BattleFail is Taking over and nothing is replacing MOH hence BattleFail is Replaceing MOH by being released every year i wanna go further with it but ICBA Also I'm not attacking you before any try's Jumping up my Corny
  21. TPI

    battlefield 3

    Actually Medal Of Honor was axed completely and Battlefield is definetly taking over as EA's answer to the COD Serie's
  22. Went SnowBoarding Today with my sister First time for 3 year's :-P the Instructor at the Caingorm's told me within15 minute's that he'd say i could teach my own class my Basic 3 are that good after so long and even do the Racing! (another awesome Career Possibility!) after that my confidence was so high that i just spent the rest of the lesson (3 Hour's 45Mins) screwing around and perfecting them! Pretty damn chuffed with myself Still gonna Put in for a Level 2 Class atleast seeing as my friend's are into snowboarding :-D and i don't want to intimidate them with how awesome i am too much atleast :-D
  23. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I haven't touched it since I played your server...
  24. I'm Surprised you didn't comment on me getting with the Teacher's everyone else think's it's Gross... although when i think on it it doe's make me feel a little bit sick i mean they were nearly 30! Geoff Just hold in their! when your 4 Month's is up make an exscuse to see her and be all like wanna go out & stuff (I'm very little use with GF's want a one night stand I'm the guy otherwise i'm just a usual guy lol)
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