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CES_williamson last won the day on October 29 2012

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Krytac Trident SPR, TM MP5 SD, KWA MP7 GBB
  • Loadouts
    standard MTP loadout w/ WAS Kit
  • Sites
    Apocalypse Airsoft & paintball
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft (obviously)
    Land Rovers

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  1. So the SWAS page is banned on FB for our recent JG G36 post.... Why do people report airsoft guns on an airsoft page! 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CES_williamson


      Hit the nail on the head there, I get zukked a lot 🤣   *not claiming anything towards any company or individual* but there is a tonne of dodgy business done by a lot of retailers and manufacturers that just doesn't get talked about, so wouldn't surprise me as has happened before! Oh well business goes on, facebook is just an easy way of communicating with the community, tbf its not all bad, not having to manage or pay people to manage the facebook chat isnt all bad on a sunday night!!

    3. Rogerborg


      Huh, I can still see https://www.facebook.com/SismeyWilliamsonAirsoftSolutions/


      Facebook though, urgh.  This is a company who approached Steven Crowder, offered to create adverts for him to run on Facebook, billed him for doing so, and then decided that the adverts that they'd created weren't appropriate for their own platform and refused to run them.  Hilarity ensued.


      The sad fact seems to be that anything remotely gun related is going to be thrown down the memory hole by the SJW zealots at Facebook, YouTube and Google, who have form for censoring all searches containing the three letters "gun", including burgundy and Laguna Beach.


      I'm very much a small government chap, but where a company holds an effective monopoly, I can see grounds for regulating it as a public service to prevent this kind of knee jerk lunacy.

    4. CES_williamson


      They have banned me from replying to messages, commenting or doing anything on the page or my personal one,


      I deactivated my ad account with them, every time I tried to set an ad up they would put a ban on the acc! 

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