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Leonine last won the day on November 28 2020

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About Leonine

Profile Information

  • Guns
    - S&T E11 Star Wars Storm Trooper Replica
    - ASG Scorpion Evo 3 A1 - 2020
  • Loadouts
    - Star Wars
    - Black Camo
  • Sites
    - West Midlands Airsoft
    - Stormforce
    - Frontier Airsoft
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  • Interests
    - Star Wars
    - Airsoft

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  1. So ParcelForce says out for delivery... A ParcelForce van parks outside my house, he then proceeds to check the back of his van for  5 or 10 mins and then drive off without giving me my gun...🤨Bearing in mind I live at the end of a side street so not the typical place for a van to come down just to park up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leonine


      @Brophy I would have if my security camera had legs 😂 My partner was waiting for the door to knock but never did

    3. Rogerborg


      InB4 drama, remember that your contract is with the seller, it's their gun and their problem until it's in your hands.


      I jut hope you don't get a "delivery complete" notice for it.

    4. Leonine


      @Rogerborg I spent half hour to an hour chatting to someone from Parcelforce. As soon as i said i had it on camera they decided to have the driver re deliver same day late afternoon time. Sadly my partner wouldn't let me test gun last night so I will have to tonight.

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