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M_P last won the day on June 17 2018

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  1. Is Project Luther dead then?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jcheeseright


      I think BAC killed both projects on it's own, just by being such a massive shambles

    3. AK47frizzle


      There was an entire sub forum dedicated to it... not 1 post on it ever... apart from devastator's.

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Pretty much, yeah. None of us involved in it have mentioned it for ages.


      I think BAC shook people's faith in the concept of an independent system to the point where finding support for a new one just wouldn't be there.


      We're still sat on all the planning stuff though, so if there ever is an opportunity to implement an alternative system, we can just pick up from where we left off.

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