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Everything posted by Dogsbody100

  1. This has been absolutely the worst time for keeping in shape almost a perfect storm in fact! 1, Shite weather which puts off runs and the like 2, No gyms open either 3, This push button ordering is really being ramped up for junk food makes it far too easy to get sucked into bad food I was doing ok last year, played a game in September and was reasonably ok so started that ‘couch to 5k’ thing. I was also getting on the stationary bike to supplement this. That was all going well then unexpectedly a slot came up in November for a heart procedure I was waiting for and I couldn’t say no. The recovery kind of morphed into xmas before I knew it and it wasn’t till last month that I started running again. I’d highly recommend the couch to 5k thing if you’re thinking of a way to get into it (or back into it) I’m on week 6 now and it’s not so bad, think when I get back into a game somewhere I’ll know for sure! In that time I’ve also got some PLCE and haven’t done any exercise in that, could be time to wear it out on a run and try and ignore the funny looks....
  2. Totally. One of the many great things that draws me to airsoft is, in my view, it’s lack of politics. You buy your kit show up play and enjoy. Simples. Sucks that all this is gaining any sort of traction at all.
  3. So this butcher is in his shop working away when a dog, carrying a basket casually walks in and jumps up onto the counter. The butcher goes to shoo him away but before he can the dog points with his paw into the basket at a list for some meat. This gets the butchers attention, so he picks up the list and reads off the items which are followed by a note that reads ‘please can you put all this in the basket, the right money is in a pouch on the dogs collar’. Right on cue the dog lifts his head and points at a small pouch which as it turns out has the right money in it. Once all the bits were in the basket the dog nods his thanks and leaves with the basket in his mouth again. The butcher is stunned. If I could have a dog like that he thinks, it could do my deliveries, even perform on the stage! So he shuts up shop and follows the creature, during which time he sees him visit several other shops, have a pint at the pub and even use a zebra crossing, wow, thinks the butcher, this dog is something else! Then finally the dog arrives at a house, he opens the front gate and lets himself in with his paws and goes up to the front door and knocks waiting to be let in. Suddenly though the door flies open and a man appears, giving the dog a massive bollocking, calling him useless and dumb, the butcher, confused at this, runs up to them and exclaims ‘why are you bollocking this dog? The things I’ve seen him do, he’s amazing!’ ‘Amazing? fuck off!’ Laughs the man, ‘This is the third time he’s forgotten his keys this week!’
  4. Thankfully I ain’t quite there yet though when I am I’ll just have to stay down and crawl about shooting people in the ankles 🤣🤣 With my aim I’ll probably get more kills down there than on my feet😂😂
  5. I was also of the opinion that a plate carrier would be the way forward in airsoft though in my case (and probably not yours) I couldn’t get the damn thing to go over my not inconsiderable beer gut! Quite funny to look at but completely impractical, the thing wouldn’t let me breathe out, crouch down or anything remotely useful. In the end, I found a set of soldier 95 webbing, identical to the one I used to use so I knew it well and half the price of a decent plate carrier and the gut can do (or go) whatever it wants so is no longer an issue! These types of systems are usually much better for lightness and prone firing positions as they will still allow you access to your mags if you find yourself laid down for an extended period. By and large they can be customised as well as anything else and it surprises most as to how much you can get into them, being around the waist they also give more freedom of movement in general. Good hunting!
  6. It’s another Bernard manning special if that helps 🤣
  7. There’s no doubt that Micheal Barrymore is gay, I rang his house up the other day and Cliff Richard answered....
  8. Wow, pays to ask around! Im not a tech or anything close to one so wouldn’t mind a tasty rif that has out the box performance without any tweaking. I thought that was the cm16. However I can well see the worth in spending an extra tenner and looking at other brands if it will yield way better specs.
  9. Seems odd to keep starting up threads and then ghosting them, most people on here will at least have the decency to reply after some activity with a simple ‘thanks’ - courtesy no? Maybe he’s shy 🤔 I must admit though that reading this my ideas of what my first rifle is going to be have been slightly rearranged, I was another cm16 fan but it sounds like they’re not so hot these days?
  10. Take one of these ‘small islands’ and build some super high quality arenas, purpose made for airsoft, an airport, docks, villages etc and have objective based rolling games that move from one arena to the next, one team is offensive one defensive. Also there would be vehicles, helicopters and stationary weapons to use in strategic places, just in case people got bored! Probably something very similar to that already but off the bat money no object with land supplied that’d be where I’d go.
  11. Hi mate, if you don’t sell this by next payday I’ll have it, just flat broke right now! Any pics of the inside? cheers
  12. Really good question, it’s certainly helped alleviate some boredom here! LCT G3 L1a1, think ares make these not sure Gas L85A2 (whoever does the best one) G&P (?) M16 Vietnam variant Any decent AK47 G&G CM16 Raider L GPMG (not sure if this exists in the airsoft world) Now just need money - as always!!
  13. I was tempted by this just cos thing but on reflection I’m going to hold off and do the UKARA thing when it’s all back to normal(ish) again. Can’t use the gun at all so what’s the rush? That and I just don’t want any way for trouble to find me when it comes to guns of any kind.
  14. Funny this, seems a while back there was a thread on just cos where everyone poo pood it as bollocks, seems to have worked here so what gives?
  15. They sure don’t make them like him anymore, I wish they did. RIP to that incredible man, doing all he did at 100 years old, bet I won’t be doing laps of my garden if I live that long! A sad day indeed.
  16. Granted the security guy who did a runner was a dick and could have done more, he may as well have not been there at all. I don’t think he counts as an example for that reason. Then at the end of the scale entirely is those guys armed with tusks and fire extinguishers, those guys need Victoria crosses!! Again, the argument still stands, what would that piece of shit murdering terrorist have done were they not there? We’ll never know but he’d have had one less thing to worry about. That brings me on to your other point, that interveners cause more casualties, could be but as above we won’t ever know, certainly again the perpetrator would have one less distraction. If I was one of these assholes shooting somewhere up I’d be thinking twice if I knew someone there also had a gun!
  17. Every one who played bond did it in his own way however I, much like Tackle, lean towards Connery probably because he created the role from the start. No one was overly crap at it imho, just tone better than others!
  18. You’re right that is an extremely unrelated story, in fact I know it well and remember the raf sea king crew that talked him down, great story (if I’m recalling the right one!). I really can’t see where we’re going with it though, how does that advocate for everyone flying a plane with no training? That was an unfortunate set of circumstances and the guy that landed the plane was a novice with no experience. It could have been very different. Williford on the other hand was a licensed gun owner and was absolutely trained and had all the correct credentials for the weapon he had. Nowhere does that advocate for ‘everyone’ having a gun either incidentally. The point was that sometimes a good guy with a gun makes a difference and indeed if googled the fact bears itself out in American states that allow open or concealed carry. Does this mean ‘give everyone a gun’? Of course not, no ones saying that. However with correct checks and balances in place it’s a viable concept. You don’t want a gun? Great, don’t have one, no ones forcing you but some do for sporting purposes, I used to and can attest to its good effect on discipline and even relaxation can you believe.
  19. With regards to the whole ‘good guy with a gun’ thing, see what you think of this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland_Springs_church_shooting
  20. Dude, as above if that’s you in the vid be very careful here, whereas you may know it’s an airsoft gun someone else watching (could be anyone) probably don’t and it could cause you issues. Forgive the pun but you don’t wanna be giving the law the ammunition to shoot you with!
  21. This is what pisses me off, they ban you and there’s seemingly no fact finding or any kind of attempt to figure out what’s gone on, poxy algorithms I guess!
  22. Very helpful guide here, clearly a lot of work (and mileage) have gone into this and I must say having played at plantation it’s clearly accurate too. Ill definitely be paying a visit to several sites in the new year off the back of this and possibly avoiding some too! Many thanks for putting all the effort in!
  23. This is going to sound like stating the obvious but I assume you’ve checked for leaks with a detecting solution like snoop etc?
  24. I thought that too but... The point of black friday is so retailers can control what people buy for a week - nothing else.
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