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  • Guns
    Well MB01 (Heavily modified), Well MP7, AA R901 Aug A2, AA R28 + R31 M1911's, Cyma CM352 M870
  • Loadouts
    DPMMTPOliveBlackBrown. Whatever I've got that'll carry whatever I need, basically!
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    Nowhere, yet!
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  1. This is what happens when I spend all day watching sport and playing video games instead of sitting on here! Missed a quality meltdown. That'll teach me for doing other things. 🤦‍♂️😂 That post with absolutely zero punctuation though... Wow. I gave up even trying to read it. Can anyone translate? 😆
  2. Y'know, I've been thinking the same thing, but I can't find my the green one I had years ago and the black version was cheaper. Does look like I need green or camo headgear though. And no, a fortune doesn't need to be spent! Can't recall the total cost of all that as I've been getting it together for so long, but I'm confident it was probably only 50 or 60% of new prices! The Sawflys were the most expensive thing at £35 from ebay.
  3. Can't find that either 🤦‍♂️ I'm not a total muppet, I swear to christ. 😂
  4. @MandalShArK I'm all over that now I know it exists! 👍 Edit: Or, I would be if I could find it!
  5. Afternoon folks! N00b alert, etc etc. Been slowly rounding up gear on the cheap for months now, in the hope of talking some mates into a skirmish. But while they're happy enough shooting at cans and cardboard in back gardens, none of them CBA to actually go out, so on my own I go. Anyway, this is what I've got. All bought in sales/2nd hand, so properly on the cheap! I was going to say I'm deliberately mixing DPM/MTP/Olive/Black just to piss people off, but TBH it just happened that way and annoying people will just be a bonus. 😎😁 There'll be some black combats too, but they're in the wash. I won't be running around with no trousers on. I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear. And if you don't like it, then... 😆 Edit: I know you all say 'don't buy a pistol as your first gun', but I bought it as my first gun just for pissing about in the garden, so I think it deserves to come with me to a skirmish!
  6. Alright folks! N00b here. This was supposed to be a two-tone to go to my first skirmish with. Oops. Their mistake! 😁 I know literally everyone here loves bullpups and especially Augs so thought I'd share. (😆) It's an R901 A2 with a cheapo 4*32 sight (But actually seems pretty good on balance) and Acetech silencer. I fancy doing something with it, colour-wise, but probably just whack some DPM tape around various bits of it until I decide what to do. Quite handy with an airbrush so I'm open to DIYing something...
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