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Posts posted by Sylithics

  1. Right who’s being the Guinea pig and buying one 😅 I’m tempted but have no idea what I’m buying… could just fall to bits plus it’s not just change is it. Mite wait for a YouTube video 

    Yeah there’s literally nothing on YouTube or the web about this gbbr🤔 

  2. Hey guys 


    Playing about with my Mws and was wondering what is still the best bucking and nub combo? Guessing it’s still the metal nub and something? Don’t think I’ll get a metal nub as haven’t heard back for a while. Was using  a ml mr hop silicone and omega nub for plinking in the back garden but the consistency sucked.. went back to stock nub and used 3’s and it’s brilliant. First game on Sunday can’t wait 😎

  3. Hey guys, is it true that you need to remove the Mk18 rail gbbr to access the hop rubber or inner barrel? Or can you access it by splitting upper and lower? That’s the thing that’s putting me off the Mk18 atm. If I can change/clean the inner and change the rubber without taking off that rail I’d be a bit happier. Cheers 

  4. Thanks mate appreciate the help, I do love the immersion of the ngrs that’s why I got it in the first place but there’s nothing really behind it so to speak to when I push the bolt catch etc. But I do think your right, I’ll try and save up for a mws and keep my ngrs. 

    thanks again 👌

  5. Hi guys new to this mws scene long time lurker ;) I don’t actually have a mws yet (yet is the word).. anyway I don’t play as often as I like anymore and have always fancied a gbbr but been put off by the uk weather. I’ve got a tm Mk18 ngrs that I’m currently using but feel it’s a bit dull. Yeah it’s great at range etc but there’s hardly any feedback.. ill get to the point.. 


    Has anyone traded or sold there ngrs to get a mws? Any regrets at all?


    cheers again 


    love the posts and pics btw folks makes me want one even more haha 

  6. 9 hours ago, MAX DICKER said:

    Just read this thread. Really glad you got your money back.


    I agree that hounding this tosser out of the hobby is the wisest course now.

    Ohh don’t worry all his sites he goes too will be getting told.. pictures plastered all over the place.. he’s the lowest of the low mate honestly.. I’m just really grateful for everyone’s help I really am :) 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tommikka said:

    What bank & what type of card did you use?


    Eg Did they do this due to credit card regulations? (which probably wouldn’t apply to a private sale anyway, and I think PayPal also don’t meet that criteria)

    Or due to the banks own fraud policy?


    Did they say whether or not they have drawn a ‘charge back’ and thus refunded you, or that they have taken the hit to pursue?

    Hello mate I’m not sure what they did to be fair I never asked, I was just happy and relieved I got my money back :) 



  8. Thank you 

    56 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

    If anyone is familiar with it (I am but I CBA doing the legwork) there is a very helpful little application available with Kali Linux called Maltego, it may even be on Windows too.  What this will allow you to do is feed it an email address and it will recursively search the whole internet for connections to that email address/Facebook profile etc etc.  May prove useful for someone.......

    Thank you mate appreciate it 

  9. Honestly this guy is thick! Lol we’ve got him on at least 3 counts now.. the towel he used to make the selling page.. is the same in the insta page.. the pistol stands the same he send me and Stephen.. he’s knackered. I want to get him kicked out of every site known to man! He’s a disgrace to the Airsoft community.. just some wee laddie thinking he can do whatever the hell he wants.. not on my watch. I’ll let him sleep on it until I pounce :) 

  10. What I found also is in that Instagram story is there is a picture of the tm 416 with a pistol all backed out in a smokey kinda lens and if you look at the box it’s a g@g armament.. now when I was getting the pictures of him boxing up etc the box is you guessed it g@g... so on HIS insta the box g@g and the supposedly random guy who took the picture has the same g@g box that he’s boxing up with... caaaaaa mooo haha 


    *Pic bottom left says G&G 


  11. It’s just the fact, this boy likes Airsoft, has the same gun on his Facebook page and I was sent the picture on WhatsApp.. has the same name.. and someone used his address.. if someone did This to me and I knew about it I would be posting it everywhere saying it’s a scam it isn’t me! But he just gets defensive and says he will need to block me if I keep asking me questions.. what else can I do? I have no other person it can be and if it isn’t him how does he not know who it is?? Christ the same page is still on usedairsoft.com under 416! 

    4 minutes ago, Cromulon1994 said:


    I not actually a twat. 

    Worth mentioning that Prefired log the ip of sellers too. Get in touch with the owners/admins of the site.

    There's a chance they are the same people too, I don't know how many photos are floating about. 



    Sorry mate not the time to be making jokes on someone’s post when they’ve been scammed for all there money is it? Cheers 

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