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Impulse last won the day on April 9

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    KJW m700, KJW m40a5, TM mk12 mod1 MWS, TM MWS CQBR, KWA mp9, KWA mac11, TM Hi-Capa, AAP-01, TM 1911
  • Loadouts
    US-inspired recce/scout sniper, US SHTF civvie, VC farmer-in-pyjamas, cyberpunk corporate operative
  • Sites
    Worthing Airsoft, Driver Wood, Gunman Eversley (for 'Namsoft!)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brighton, England
  • Interests
    Airsoft (duh?), video games, tabletop roleplaying games, self-defence / martial arts, writing fiction, journalism, reading, swimming, action films, cooking

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  1. I decided to write this out. I know that this might be an unpopular stance, but I'm not going to change my opinions just because it's unpopular. Airsoft sniping has definitely become more widespread and accessible since I started the hobby, that's for sure, but I'm not sure if I like that or not.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hedzshot


      I’m going to dissect this into 2 bite sized chunks.

      The first, regarding minimum engagement  distance; this is not unique to new players, it is unique to idiots, and yes, yes you can bring the site into the mix.

      The second chunk relates to how you have had change and development stick in your throat like a fish bone. As the sport has developed it has brought technical advancement, quality advancement and more accessibility and that means a wider audience. Without growth the sport stays the same,  a niche hobby.

      If you were just starting the sport, are you telling me you’d buy a base platform and bit by bit slowly upgrade and tailor your wep..? Leaf by leaf craft your ghillie..? Nah I don’t think so dude.


      Ending on a note of motivational ideas; lend your expertise to the noobs, not just with tech knowledge but conduct. Help shape the sport into something better.



    3. Skara


      I would, because it's what I did.

      I didn't go full ham on the most expensive stuff and "pre upgraded" guns, as when I started there weren't many, if any at all, and the few people who were selling upgraded stuff were fucking thieves.

      Learned the hard way, on both tactics, guns and gear, as everyone else.

      This gave me the chance to learn how to tech, which parts are important and which ones weren't, what gear is worth buying and what is only eye candy.


      I see how these pre upgraded guns are working out. Go check Nov's owner groups on Facebook, full of retarded cunts that bought <insert SS-number here> and it turned out to be shit. Yeah. 10/10 development right there.


      Go check the "wat am best gnu" threads, all the sensible people recommend cheap guns. So that new players can learn stuff, not being spoon fed.


      It is a niche sport and it should stay a niche sport.

      It's bad enough that we are seen as bloodthirsty warmongers, I don't want a bunch of retards destroying what the community has built.

    4. Hedzshot


      Take away statement from your post is;


      ‘I would, because it's what I did.

      I didn't go full ham on the most expensive stuff and "pre upgraded" guns, as when I started there weren't many, if any at all, 


      I’m as green as they come to this hobby, but I scrutinised the kit I wanted, I went and looked and tried kit, read this forum front and back, watched YouTube, talked to shops, players, planned how I wanted to play and bought a fuckin monster gun. A platform that I both wanted and knew was top quality and would last me. A gun that out of the box is mental BUT has the upgrade options as well.
      I didn’t once consider cheap Chinese crap, nor was I swayed by idiot youtubers who’s kit was just another turd with a bow on it. 
      Case in point; my mate bought a TM VSR Gspec fully upgraded. I didn’t. His imho is a plasticy piece of shit, shoots nice, is almost silent but looks and feels like if I growl at it, it will break in half. BUT I get why he went the upgraded route - because he ‘could’. He wanted kit that wasn’t going to let him down in terms of performance and work on ‘his’ game.

      I can fuckin assure you mine is made like a fuckin tank AND shoots the chuff off a gnat at 100m. I’m upgrading it myself whilst I work on my game. 
      Don’t try and tell me you’d go down the vanilla stock VSR route if you were starting out now as a result of the factors you mentioned above...bollox.

      You ‘did’ when you started (I’m guessing yyeeeaarrs ago ) as your choice, as you say,  was limited, the hobby was new and hyper niche.

      The MAJOR factor in people’s choice is budget and availability, and also that most of the players they will see at their site have upgraded or high spec guns.


      *mic drop*



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