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Eddie The Headshot

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Everything posted by Eddie The Headshot

  1. Played my first ever game two weeks ago and knew it was for me. This is my first gun, a Javelin M4 RIS.
  2. Heres my overall collection. These are the ones I'm putting my combat shirt for airsofting There are two more I want to add to this set: a Chris Kyle patch and an XS aka Nora West Allen logo patch. These are for BJJ. I want to put them on my jacket but a lot of dojos have a strict no patches policy. So as a compromise I may put them on my gi pants for nogi training. The only ones I'm missing is an Iron Maidenized Brazilian flag with Eddie in place of the planet and a West Ham United patch.
  3. MMA & BJJ and Krav Maga. Outside of martial arts telly shows and films, particularly Star Wars. Here me at this years SW Celebration
  4. Not mine but would love to copy it when I get a gun. Now if they make a West Ham one I will be all set.
  5. I don't have any pets but this is my buddy's dog, who I absolutely adore.
  6. Holy snikes maybe the poor chap should have worn a bandana or beanie under his helmet? It may have helped(Incident happens at the 2:16 mark)?
  7. Absoluetly, and I believe its preferred pronouns are snap, crackle, and pop. Afterall pronouns do matter.
  8. Newbie question, do players wear helmets because they look cool or for protection? Would a hat help if someone got shot in the back of the head?
  9. You know what? If these two brings some old school rifles this may catch on!
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