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Everything posted by paradoxum

  1. Put all my gear on and did some target practice today. I was barely moving but the heatwave right now made me sweat buckets. Hydration pouch on the back was a solid buy in this weather. Only thing missing from my kit here is the helmet cover and wiring/PTT for the headset/radio. Some shooting.
  2. They're these; http://shop.specwarfare.com/tmc-sf-qd-goggle-black
  3. Helm/mask/goggles arrived today. Bothers me that it isn't flush with the goggles, but if I loosen the screws to adjust it I wouldn't be able to get it over my head - unless the idea is put helmet on first then attach faceplate? Also the bit of tan plastic covering the mouth area, I plan to stick some wire mesh on the inside behind it because I don't trust the safety of my teeth/mouth with that 'grill'.
  4. I was just browsing aliexpress for ideas and I saw this listing, what are the rails on the side of the helm in the pics here? I've never seen them before. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33045290703.html?spm=2114
  5. Almost finished my harness / belt, just waiting on a double grenade pouch and I'm set. https://imgur.com/a/ZkFMfpP Mostly Templars Gear stuff, 4x pistolmag pouches, 3x rifle, dump bag, knife, misc / binoculars bag, carabiner, medum hydration pack with 1l bladder, 2x large 'grenade' pouches for the M41A PR mags. BoaFeng radio mounted on the back of the hydration pouch. I've got a plate carrier I bought on the way a while back but I can't see how I'd need it - plus in this hot weather, y'know.
  6. Good suggestions but I've already just gone and returned the mask and helmet and will get that other one, will end up saving money and looks a lot lighter etc.
  7. I saw those but I've already got a fairly pricey headset
  8. Put a picatinny rail on the other side and a black battery peq box.
  9. I must have small ears because I thought of that and they fit as snug at the other way round, they're angled a bit - I was even thinking of trimming one side of the metal arms off and bending the other to get a better fit. Also I really need to sort out some replacement lenses for that mask because it fogs up just sitting down on the couch wearing it. It's also pretty hot and front heavy, battery pack in the back balances it but just think I'm gonna get a sore neck and end up roasting. Found this one last night and now I wanna get this - cost as much as the dang mask itself! And the base helm platform. https://www.weapon762.com/helmet/1921-tmc-super-flowing-helmet-light-version-with-modular-lightweight-mask.html?search_query=TMC+Super+Flowing+Helmet+Light+Version&results=1#/4-color-multicam
  10. I had the genius idea of mounting the headset on the rear rail when I noticed they swivelled, more room now for the light and they can easily be swung back behind the helmet. The screws that attached them to the metal plates that go on the rails were too small though and enough pressure pulled them out, I ended up putting some self tapping slightly larger screws in and using a dremel to cut the bits protruding out the back off because I couldn't find perfectly sized screws or nails. Anyway recommended mod for those replica headset mounts.
  11. Templar's Gear Hydration Pouch (Medium) (Ranger Green) on the harness/battlebelt. 2L water bladder inside for bee- water. Decided to go without a plate carrier so added the radio pouch to the belt; I'm gonna have to swap 1 of the mag pouches out for one of these; And add one of these; (stock SCARH mag + 2 mid and 1 hi-cap, want at least 2 spare sidearm mags with me. dropleg holster has a pouch for one though.
  12. I got these MLOK sling adapters for my M41A PR, front one is fine on the barrel shroud but I had the rear on the stock, which was bad because it's not very strong and would eventually give out, so moved it just now to another point under the rear and took pics as I did it. Alright, I moved the MLOK sling attachment to the bottom rear off the stock rail and took pics as I went; Clip for screw in this hole. MLOK adapter over the holes. First screw in. Need to widen the hole on the MLOK mount for an M6(?) screw to screw into the female hole already there. Just used a drill with a larger size bit. Screwing each down. (Tight fit) Screwed down. Sling attached. Secure, no wobble. Sling attached, no longer on the stock. Just posting for posterity if anyone wants to do something similar.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/jeeZFxS Some more pics of the helm. Drilled a hole in the back of the Xiaomi camera mount to hook it up to the lip in the back battery pouch. Figure the red light on top can function as a hit marker, raise hand, turn light on and walk back to safe zone / respawn and avoid getting shot? Will put all the kit on tomorrow and take a pic and see how it looks with the mask.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/tS5YT5x Should have went for the tan mask I reckon. But my plate carrier / battlebelt are green. MC pants/top. https://imgur.com/a/ceT7B9l
  15. Got a battery pouch/counter-weight thing for my helm, wanted the multicam one but was out of stock everywhere, how's it look? https://imgur.com/a/aErr3vm Still waiting on my mask; Put a pouch on the back of my battlebelt over my knife holster to hold binos; It's about 40% wider than I'd like and I'd also prefer if it had a velcro strap or something rather than zipper, any suggestions? Might aswell post my pegboard shot I just took;
  16. Ah okay, what's the stock visor like, is it thick enough alone? do you double them up, or not enough room? https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_cat/793/(all;product_price;ASC;0-0;all)/page_0/max_20 Eesh they're expensive. They definitely fit when cut down? shame there aren't any pinlock visor screens rather than the main plastic visor.
  17. Good idea, I've got bikes and have used bike helmets obviously but eg the one I have now, the lens on it is pretty thick, cut/file/sand down the edges and it should bend enough and fix in? Can you post a pic of the inside please? Also love the colours and kill counts. What about pinlock inserts? https://www.racevisors.co.uk/category/pinlock-inserts I've actually got a yellow one for my bike helmet and it has great anti-fogging on it. I'm going for a kinda republic commando look but not sure how a blue visor will look. https://www.thevisorshop.com/en/LS2-FF399-Visor/m-22725.aspx Looking at them and the mask it seems like the visor on the mask might be too tall - what are the dimensions of it fully before insertion into the mask, and what secures it in place? Could even put some LEDs on the inside: I sold a mint condition i5 on ebay for £120 the other day when I realised I couldn't use it with my helmet / headset, should have posted it on here.
  18. Finally found a mask I like; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TIER-NONE-LT-R500-Plastic-Mask-OD-TNG019-OD/142931442251 Went with the green to go with my multicam gear. Pic of it with headset: I want to be able to change the lens colours, blue, red, yellow, etc, even if it's just a thin overlay over the main plastic - what material should I be looking at for that?
  19. About to disassemble and fix some things, give it a little lubing, make battery compartment larger, add better rear 2-point mount sling point to underneath it behind the grip rather than on the sling as it is causing it to rattle: Airgun 1911, I swapped the crappy feeling plastic grips with real walnut ones, took a bit of filing and sanding:
  20. Holy crap. Are there no helms available just to buy that are as good or are we stuck with modding for the best/most comfortable fit? Half* tempted to tear my bike helmet down now and see if a fast helmet shell will stick onto it..
  21. What straps / padding? Most uncomfortable part for me are the straps. I've worn bike helmets most of my life and my £300 bike helmet I could wear all day without getting uncomfortable.
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