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Mr Gold

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    mp5 g17 sa80 m4 mp7 1911 mb03 shorty sprinters
  • Loadouts
    dpm mtp mtp black us nam Iraq sniper
  • Sites
    yta anzio chemical invasion wastelands NvS ace

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  1. when he blinds someone and gets sued that will be the end of him
  2. Mr Gold

    g17 co2

    thank for the reply so 1 per skirmish and dump for me
  3. Mr Gold

    g17 co2

    how long should co2 bulb last in mag as I load new bulb skirmish remove mag still gas in mag 2 days later empty wtf
  4. Mr Gold


    thanks for your attention mate
  5. Mr Gold


    anyone know if v3 trigger switch will fit r85 sa80 thanks
  6. Mr Gold

    Need a part

    I'm going th try and make one out of a bolt wish me luck
  7. l85a1 loadout dpm or mtp osprey ?
  8. 1 black belt. 2 black taco m4 pouches. 3 tracer unit. 4 outer barrel m4. 5 deans connecters (5) 6 over glasses black mesh goggles 7 sling mount 8 cm o23 gearbox 9 sj400 camera 10 0.20 bbs (4000) 11 0.20 green tracer bbs (1000) 12 0.20 black bbs (1000) for my cqb loadout wating for my ukara number but site closed just as I joined .
  9. is it I will clean downstairs Window's
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