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    GBLS DAS, TAC41, GHK Glock, HPA Stoner, Daytonagun GPMG
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    Whatever I can fit into...
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    G&P Stoner 63 HPA converted with dual Solenoid Polarstar F2 Semi/ Auto - an LMG you can take into buildings and short/light enough to CQB with. Basically all of the internals are brand new, got fedup of the unreliability of high ROF AEG builds, also bought a bunch of parts to cure what are (imo) the design faults with the original G&P Kit which I'll outline below. Brand new Polarstar F2 with FCU HPA engine mounted in Retro arms v2 Cnc Shell. Bullgear box mag - 1800-2000bb capacity, will feed up to 50bb/sec + parts for another mag, would be simple to buy another bullgear mag and use the remaining parts to build this 6.05 inner stainless steel inner barrel (I want to say madbul) it is flathopped and lifts 0.3's with ease Bullcraft industries short outer barrel, barrel block, selector plate (specific to this rif, not standard V2) and Stock tube conversion - the bullcraft parts were primarily purchased to cure barrel wobble which is common with the original parts, along with the breach block which I always found was somewhat fragile (original design) all of the BCI parts are laser sinter 3d printed and exceptionally strong full length original barrel, solid stock, oem breach block all included railed front end and railed top cover vietnam style handguard included The bonus to all of the 3d printed parts is now this thing weighs about half as much as it did new and is absolutely solid, will sit and pour bb's downrange at whatever poor bugger happens to be in your way all day long provided you've got the air to slake her thirst. It is a decidedly unpleasant gun, I really feel a bit like a scumbag having built it 👀 £1000 for the Rif as is £1200 for the rif and 1.5k AirTac Carbon 300 bar tank +100 for the vortex +50 for the hard case +£1k with HIKmicro Thermal gunsight that'll pickup a human target at like 1.7km I have a couple of other bottles (0.8l 232 bar) that are out of test, if the price is right I'm happy to have them re-tested and include them. I'll upload some more pics later on collection preferred from Bromsgrove as I'd like ideally to spend a brief moment going through it with the prospective buyer. shipping by arrangement only.


    Bromsgrove, Worcestershire - GB

  2. As in pre upgraded? It's an absolute monster of a rifle, yet to have a chance to field it properly though
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    LCT PKP PECHENEG 6 months old but need to make room for a new project and I barely use this RIF. comes with the following; * Bullgear Customs hopup unit and Prometheus purple rubber. * Bullgear 3D printed mag insert (feeds up to 40rps and increases mag capacity to 7500) * 2x massive 5500mah deans batteries * Greyshop PK padded sling * Rewired for Gate Nano Mosfet currently ~370 ish FPS though I can drop the FPS or supply a different spring if required. includes the turret in the photos if required - Needs modification to hold up the gun. It does have its original box so I can post if required however this thing weighs near enough 14kg so expect postage to be £15-20 with a next day carrier.


    Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire - GB

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