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Everything posted by DopeYourScope

  1. Yeah wasn't expecting it any time soon. There's been a slight suspicion TM would bring out an AK on the ZET platform.
  2. Was looking at GHK AKS74U’s now I’m conflicted. Might just have to wait and see.
  3. Was going to say the XE is 3 series size. @Tiercel what engine did you get?
  4. Well @Asomodai will definitely make it to the first game now then.
  5. Gutted for you mate, especially considering how much time and money you’ve invested so far. Is sheppey in a similar situation?
  6. Just ordered a Condor Operator plate carrier and mag pouches to match, fancied giving them a try as they hold a price point between realsteel (WAS, LBT etc.) and cheap chinese crap (KombatUK, 8Fields & Viper) only thing I cheaped out on was I wanted to try one of those plastic quick mag holsters, see how long it takes me to lose a mag now 😂. Hopefully holds up nicely as I thought a plate carrier, triple stanag mag (open top), double stanag mag (foldover top), double pistol mag pouch and a double frag pouch for £160 wasn't too bad.
  7. Same here, I got a load of issued ones from a matey on eBay, think it was £15 for 6, get genuine magpul ones they’re about £2 more expensive than the repros except they last more than 15mins and actually grip the mags.
  8. The first few times you fill them after doing the green gas mod you’ll feel like you’re there forever roughly I would say 30-40 seconds a mag but it saves you doing a fill every other reload to every 3 or 4 reloads. For a free mod it’s 100% worth doing. filling 7 modded mags you’ll go through a can of green gas after 2 full fills of each mag. But that should last all day if not longer.
  9. how much were you looking to spend? Can't fault Warrior pouches however they're not the cheapest.
  10. the belt wouldn’t have done much help for your back unless it was sitting dead on your waist. I use a plate carrier and frag belt. I have been running with only 4 mags now I’m stepping up to 7 I’ve got a plan for placement. 3 across the front of my plate carrier, 2 on the right side cumberbund (under my right armpit and then a single on my belt on the left. However for a battlesim tomorrow I’m having 6 across the front as I haven’t got a double and single stanag pouch yet. Doesn’t feel too bad when you even the weight out with 3litres of water on the back.
  11. Just finished doing the green gas mod to my 3 new mags, forgot how annoying the springs were; one nearly took my eye out.
  12. Got a GBP conversion on that price? also 3 more mags to do the green gas mod on tonight.
  13. Same for me, @Yukarin pm me maybe i can sort something out for you
  14. The email for the instock notification went to my junk only by chance did I check it that I found out.
  15. Well if there’s a shiny one in there I wouldn’t be able to say no. also for those who are waiting for Mags Firesupport have 50 left in stock after they got their delivery on Tuesday.
  16. This gun looks good so I took a picture. I'm thinking it needs an OD AFG, Pistol grip and CTR Stock as all black is getting a tad boring.
  17. Great to hear you're making progress, Anyone else up for an AF-UK meet up at the first game on sheppey? I'm sure @Cipher-032 and @Yukarin are local enough to make an MWS meet up out of it?
  18. same here. once I get dates I’ll be booking on and my buddy is holding off till we have it confirmed before he buys an MP7. big responsibility @MrWilson
  19. waiting for the council to put something in writing could take 10 days. Unfortunate those who are paid to serve us try their hardest not to.
  20. As @Reapur said don’t use an ODIN you’ll destroy it trying to fill MWS mags.
  21. Hmmm... can only suggest try different BBs and clean everything and re test.
  22. Hey fella, I'm only Maidstone but if you give me a shout next time you're heading to Apocalypse I'll run up with my MWS if I'm not playing or I'll have it with me if I am. Have you considered it could be due to silicone or grease contamination on the bucking?
  23. Others have recommended the Airsoft innovations one however I haven’t got one to test. I’ve got two of the madbull style that I use for pistols and my sniper rifle because I can’t use them with the MWS I even ordered and extender from Abbey which has the same issue.
  24. Nice one fella, hadn’t thought of the electricians pole will look into it. all I’ll say about the Chinese propane adaptors is I found the mad bull type (silver and red collar) the actual nozzle is a tad short to engage the angle fill valve on the MWS magazines. By the sounds of it we have exactly the same setup on our CQBRs except I’m running an element PEQ on the top rail instead of a torch. I found my CQBR using 0.28 and nuprol 2.0 gas was shooting 60m comfortably and able to hit a target 10/10 at 50m, I’ve now changed to a biro nub (it’s free) and 0.30bbs and I’m now able to fling them 70m quite happily. The green Gas mod is really easy and quick once if you’ve got a mag valve key (element one is £7) and a tool to cut the tube. I used a 4” angle grinder because it was quickest.
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