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  1. Thanks for this, I wasn't sure how strict they would be I went and bought some idogear shirt which is mostly tan Reckon I'll get away with mc pants? Might order a pair, as my old pair are getting far too big Edit - I see you've already said I'll be fine, I do however have cadpat webbing so that'll be interesting 😁
  2. So what are the rules regarding team colours, could I run multicam pants but have a tan top with mc arms or is it stricter Just bought a baofeng radio as well, might not need it for this but may as well anyway
  3. Yeah does seem to be hit n miss, I'll stick with vorsk just to be safe
  4. Any recommendations? Would we hi cap be a good choice?
  5. A vorsk g18 and a decent holster, guy let me plink off a few with it and I was impressed it was snappy and accurate Also I left the pistol along with my tk45c and as val to have a gate aster and a few choice mods thrown in
  6. Tan team for me, I'm fortunate that's it's just a 40 minute drive for me I've only played regular Airsoft, so totally new experience for me but I was told it's selling out pretty quickly Luckily there's a group I just bought my vorsk g18 from so I'll be in good hands
  7. Anyone attending this year? I'll admit this is my first milsim event, anything I should know?
  8. Been looking around and been told that the kythera would be the best option, given it runs off a solenoid so no electronics to worry about Obviously there's others out there, so what's generally considered to be the best? I've heard the redline mini sfr is very good as a regulator as well This will be for my lct as val dmr, so I only require semi auto Cost is not an issue 😉
  9. Well 59 more going on 60 bit like me 😋 Anyway just ordered it, might order some pads as the ones supplied might be a bit sparse I have however ordered me a nice fast emr cover for it, which looks pretty sweet I might be looking at getting some earmor further down the line, saves me bashing my head into a mine
  10. Thanks for the suggestions guys, decided on the fma fast sf, as it looks solid and comfortable. Funny you mention having a big bonce, I too have that issue as I'm around 59cm or so......
  11. As some of you will remember, I went and bashed me head open inside a mine. Anyway I've heard team Wendy and fma banded about, but I'm also looking at an lpred ballistic high cut. I'm looking for something that's all day comfortable, and will allow me to throw on a comtac at a later date. Having that boa style adjuster is a bonus as well. Any thoughts?
  12. I've had that issue as well, along with a double feed, I think using tm feed lips resolved it, no this is different it's only feeding every so often. I think I've resolved it, someone said that under the slide on the back there's a plastic guide that's a part of the section that picks up the bb, anyway it catches the nov routers so I filed it down, threw in some oil and so far all is well 👍
  13. Funny enough mine have the yellow routers so I'll need to keep the purple ones in mind. I think I might throw a biro spring in with the slide return spring, as some have said it's a bit weak and can cause feeding issues with it not returning fully. Every time I see a glock I fancy one, that tm gen 5 looks very tempting.
  14. Yeah, obviously for experienced players they let you use your own judgement, but still recommend it. It was my own fault anyway, I was running in the dark with no flashlight, it's what I get for trying to be stealthy. Fwiw I'm in the process of ordering a helmet, seeing as I do plan on returning and having a crack at the outdoor sections. Stti mk23, might just need a dab of silicone oil and some breaking in, apart from that they ran without issue. I think this was the gen 3 mags with the hadron feed lips, can't get the tm lips so I'll try the kj works m9 lips if they keep playing up.
  15. Did blackout airsoft yesterday, been a few years since I've played but bought a couple bits to make the game easier. Had to pay in a disused mine, my tk45c was on fire with the hop change and barrel stabiliser like a laser, I think I surprised a few of the regulars. Mine the 1200 drum mag helped, however both the mag and rif ran out of juice near the end of the third game which was domination with a nuke in the middle. Mk23 was disappointing with the novritsch mags not feeding correctly, very tempted to buy a we g17 when I get my ukara back. Oh and I ran head first into a mine wall, to a trip to a&e was in order 😄 Would have been better to play outside, but the wind put a stop to that.
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