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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G M4, WE SCAR-L, WE G17, TM 1911, M870-ish shotgun, WE 1911 cartel, custom shotgun, bad language
  • Loadouts
    PMC, mountain kit, urban, smart casual
  • Sites
    Wgc, lwa, SAC, UK wide wherever I am when I can, Adriatic airsoft, airsoft safari ayamonte, Airsoft Huelva
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Mountain biking, bourbon, airsoft

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  1. SCAR H, I’ve had an AEG H and L and now have a WE GBB SCAR L, really adaptable, and as mentioned cool as feck…
  2. G and G m4, in various guises, about to change again, simple because I was watching Sicario over the Christmas break….🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. I was the same for a while, marshalling paintball and airsoft meant I saw some excellent scenarios, but I realised I don’t mind getting pinged, it was fine as long as everyone in the stramash was playing fair. Ive adapted the same now when I get a chance to play, I don’t shit the bed if I get hit straight off the bat, nor do I get a stiffy if I get a run on the opposite team during play. Marshalling/watching/standing back allows you to see how a game flows, if it works and ultimately how to hopefully win it, if you get involved 😉
  4. I am looking for a GBB HK53, we used them on the NI boarding teams when I was there 1998-2001, and they were a great fit, especially climbing a rope ladder, in the night up the side of a ferry that was cutting along at a rate of knots. Just felt more agile than the 5.56. Couldn’t tell you the designators , but range days/zeroing/proficiency days were great crack. misty eyes coming on…🥲
  5. Well it is Christmas, prime time for Only Fools and Horses….
  6. I’m too old and fat to run about with a cummerbund or mega hyper plate carrier. I’ve always found belt kit easier. @ButcherBill, I was also running an old 58 pattern webbing belt with repro fastmag holders for my main kit. I just augmented with a cheapo vest for ‘impact protection’. Served me well for ages. I still have a belt set up and a viper vest for game days, albeit with pouches, just had to get the old expansion Velcro bits added. Although I have seen some padded hip belts, interested to see if anyone is using them, my fear is an overly sweaty lower back/arse
  7. I watched that the other day. What a great movie. Such an underrated movie, even Sean Bean as a buffoon is a great character.
  8. Almost a bit of raspberry jam back there…
  9. This is a great read, with good responses so far. it reminds me of a similar thread in an MTB forum I was on, and there was an American website, that for $15 dollars ‘Admin fee’, would send you an invoice/bill for whatever you agreed with them. That way significant others wouldn’t find out how much you spent…..
  10. WAFU…from my Royal Navy days Wet And F@cking Useless… and MUPPET Most Useless Person Pusser Ever Trained
  11. Yep, as this is the only forum I catch up on I was very grateful to see it back online this morning
  12. For what it’s worth, over the years, I’ve yet to hear an EBB that doesn’t sound like a sewing machine on crack. And +1 for more things to go wrong,
  13. To be fair, this stuff is everywhere. Remember the White House Department for Agriculture listed Wakanda as a trade partner nation..which was only put on the list as a test to see if the staff were checking stuff..
  14. Although I agree that we need to have regulations and systems in place to protect the vulnerable from themselves (and stop the bampots holding up post offices [if there’s any left]) , I get frustrated when my 7 year old can buy this M16/203 style water gun for a tenner in a chain discount store. If I wanted , 5 mins with a screwdriver removes the tank part and frame and some spray paint and I’d have created a RIF. I was pretty shocked at the detail, although it’s clearly plastic UP CLOSE. Pictured next to my 9” railed m4 for comparison ( PS: it does scoot water really far and fairly accurately by pumping the 203 handgrip)
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