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Everything posted by ruskitseller

  1. Yes good shout, I had a look on E6. Its sort of a shame because surely the scorp could fit a V3 inside it, or am I way off with how big the RIF actually is? Yes mate, I have read that the gear box shell is prone to breaking if you go too mad. Cheers
  2. I have had a pleasant experience with BUA back in July concerning a refund of a Nuprol case. No hassle and very straightforward with understanding and polite comms all the way.
  3. I bought something off them about two weeks ago and it arrived on Wednesday. I do think its a bit cheeky that they ask for tip at the payment screen, but I suppose the hustle is real! I recommend overall.
  4. I feel your pain, I know its restrictive mate, but I think I am only going to sell to people with feedback or at least 3 months on the forum with a decent posting history. There are so many about nowadays everywhere, and lets just say you are selling something cheap - even getting your personal data from a paypal transaction can be profitable from what I have read. As the mods have said - lean on them too. I have to say, the chaps have been providing an excellent service to us all in terms of the anti scammer work that is going on. Cheers
  5. Yes, alas I think there is no point in forking out for it really if this is the case. Maybe one day they will release the scorp with a v3 somehow. Cheers chaps.
  6. Thanks for the reply mate. Ah that is such a shame, because it looks cool and is light too. I read begadi do some good stuff for AEP and I also see there is an AEP Brushless motor going around. Do you think a longer tightbore (hidden by suppressor) would help? One guy on Reddit wrote this would help: But maybe it is time I gave up on the idea. 9ball piston head PDI Raven 6.01 barrel LiPo mod, 800mAh 7.4v New gears, some TM As many seal mods as you can get
  7. Hello! I saw a call TM MP7A1 AEP RIF and thought it looked cool and light. The issue seems to be that they really are not any good past 40 metres. Does anyone have any experience upgrading these and getting anywhere near 60 metres or is that impossible? I know the gas variant is supposed to be insane, but I am particularly interested in these AEP's. Cheers chaps.
  8. Following on the heels of Warhead is Specna arms. The casings do all look a bit similar to each other. https://specnaarms.com/dark-matter/ They have a budget one at £89.99 and a premium one that is £10 more than a Warhead black. Patrol base are marketing the premium model: "DARK MATTER™ motors are Brushless Motors, similar to the legendary Warhead Industries examples and boasting lower heat build-up, higher torque-to-weight ratio, improved reliability via reduced friction and significantly reduced operating noise when compared to conventional brushed motors."
  9. This is an interesting topic but I remain confused... 🤣 I saw this vid on the subject...but then I have been pinged myself by a Mk23...
  10. please delete all sorted thanks.
  11. Oh that's interesting...so Warhead uses the Chaolis and just rebranded? That will save me money in future then! Thanks
  12. I had the standard message too from this guy: https://airsoft-forums.uk/profile/43645-scalenfox/
  13. Those chaoli's look like recoloured/rebranded warheads. The thing is - they are not far off a warhead in price.
  14. Hello chaps! As the title suggests - has the site been down for a day for maintenance or something? Or has it just been a bad dream lol. Cheers
  15. Great thanks for all your help Jez. Last thing - does anyone know if Cyma MP5 parts compatible with Classic Army MP5's? By parts I mean things like MLOK foregrips and stocks. Many thanks.
  16. Cheers Jez. That helps. Are CA still going? Their website is not so good...I believe they were originally B&T? Also the RIF I am looking at seems to be older B&T stock, so I wonder if their older stuff was better or worse? I have read some say better and others say worse.
  17. Thanks for your input. I wonder how you came to this conclusion? Is it by experience? Or perhaps they use a better casting? What you say does make sense though, I had a CA M4A1 and it was built really well, even though it was a very old one. Cheers
  18. Thanks for the info chaps. So one vote for HC so far. Yeah Apache is nice, but aiming for less weight. I am mainly wondering about build quality though rather than anything else. Cheers
  19. Hi all, I am wondering which would be better build quality out of the three in terms of strength and durability of exterior parts. Internals can be chopped and changed so I'm not worried about that, but I am looking to put together a lightweight sniper loadout with an MP5k as a sidearm. Cyma is out as its versions are weightier than both. The TM's top receiver (non High cycle) is made of ABS and I believe the JG and CA Mp5k's TR (I believe its the same for the standard Cyma MP5k too) is made of pot metal. So I am wondering what would structurally be better. Maybe too hard to say and either of these platforms will be good? I am aware that the TM MP5k is old kit now and you would think that a new JG/Cyma/CA would be be much better in terms of build - but TM's seem to cost more and hold more value and TM also use a high quality ABS from experience. Anyone, as well as TM/JG/CA MP5K owners wish to chime in on build quality and general experience? Thanks
  20. Hi there Does anyone know of any airsoft techs based in Zummerzet or Doorset? Cheers
  21. Hi Jim, Thanks very much for the reply. So it is possible for g3 and g4 gear to not have the black label according to those factors? If this is the case, I suppose there is very little I can do to make sure I am not buying repro or fakes and will just have to take the risk I guess. Many thanks.
  22. Hi there, I have been looking for some newer Crye (I loved the older stuff) kit and have seen a lot for sale, but my question is - should all of Crye's product lines (more specifically G3 and G4) have these sort of labels on the garment somewhere? I can't remember if my older gen crye stuff from years ago had it or not. Could the lack of this label (I have seen alleged G4 and 3's without it) possibly denote a fake? Or could it be that the seller is advertising it as a G3/G4 but its in fact a "custom" where this label may not be present? I am sure some if the fake stuff is great6, but I just wondered. Cheers
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