@RossF - My main concern is in relation to how much extra you're adding to carry weight/extra encumbrance from the added weight of carrying sufficient gas to survive the course of a full event. I understand that a fair amount of kit is required for the longer events but I was concerned about the added weight/loss of space. On reflection it's perhaps a bit daft but I was looking at it from the perspective of "with an AEG I only need BB's" whereas with a GBBR I'll need plenty of gas and BB's to ensure I've got enough for the duration.
@Wo1f - Appreciate the heads up and advice, to be honest cold shouldn't be an issue as the cold would likely aggravate other issues so it would only be events during warmer months.
@DopeYourScope - To be honest the issue isn't any sensation or feeling of being outgunned but it's good to hear the feedback in relation to GBBR performance at these events. It's also encouraging to hear about their longevity in the field too. I can't say I'm a particularly trigger happy player, I'd much rather use one shot as opposed to many.
@Shizbazki - I can't say I've ever really looked at the MWS as a full auto spray and pray kind of gun but I imagine there must be some out there who do, haha. Out of curiosity how many mag's do you run for longer events?