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Adolf Hamster

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Adolf Hamster last won the day on October 21 2023

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  • Guns
    F2000 & aksu aeg's, m4, mg42 and aksu hpa's
  • Loadouts
    whatever works! (smersh, smersh works)

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  1. well, vsr has gone from working to not working, think the sear is worn just past the edge of holding properly.

    1. Duff


      Not a week goes by that I don't see you've fixed/broken one of your guns!

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it's why i have so many, i can on average keep 1/4 of my guns running so if i have at least 4 guns i'll always have one that's working :P

    3. Duff


      Haha It's just how it is I think. I've been at this lark less than a year and I've already got two "projects" ie:guns that broke and haven't got around to fixing.

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