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Everything posted by Tackle

  1. And another contender, joined an hour ago & first post is to flog kit for more than the new price... love it πŸ˜‰. Maybe mods should think about a minimum post count before being able to sell ?, might discourage the fly by night chancers who don't actually contribute in any way.
  2. Prob help to say what pistol this fits ?
  3. Arcteryx is one of those brands that the gearqueers all jizz over, personally I dont get it, obviously the seller thinks the name alone will be enough to shift it. I think this is another candidate for my favourite dreamer memeπŸ˜‰
  4. Be nice to know what the upgrade is that makes this bundle more expensive than new lol. Anyway, thought that's why we buy tm, 'cos they don't usually need upgrades ?.
  5. Β£438 new, mysterious upgrade ?, 2 extra mags & 2 lipo's take it up to Β£620 ?, are we paying for his holidays abroad too ?
  6. As druid has pointed out, its Firesupport, their consummate professionals who are 100% behind airsoft, & have been for a long time. Its ICS, Marui compatible, Β£89 with 3 mags & firesupport have great CS, I'd buy it.
  7. So not only does he want you to pay 5 times the value for his tat, he expects you to go north of the border to collect it ?........wtf, someone's had too much Irn-Bru😜 Told you it was a gem Edit: just realised, school holidays have started, get ready for a barrage of silly posts lol
  8. This ones a gem 😁 Β£500........hmmm........I'll have to think about it πŸ˜‰
  9. Apparently to be a good moderator you common sense & understanding, but allegedly good taste isn't a prerequisite lol 😜
  10. Even then ?, I can't get excited about any of it, once you've used enough real steel then poorly replicated blow back etc etc, whether its gas/hpa/electric, none of it comes close, hence why all of my kit just chucks bb's, anything else is a gimmick (so far ?)............
  11. A mate collects deacts & other memorabilia, dunno if he's got a ppsh, might show him this ?, they are rare after all.
  12. Looks sweet, but is it potentially overpriced, is he a dreamer ? 😜
  13. Nah, these were out way before ASG existed, but probably as equally crap. To be fair, most brands in that price range were moody, all need tinkering & tweaking to do what their supposed to, but this one appears to have none of those, hence the derision lol.
  14. So I thought id join in with a meme, searched mini Tamara, big mistake, once seen some things can't be unseen 😞
  15. According to vcra, even for a two-tone purchase, you need to be 18+.........do you qualify ?😜
  16. Haven't seen these around for ages, seem to remember they were cheap as chips way back, am I missing something ?
  17. Employer loyalty, not something you hear of too often these days, its usually a one way street in their favour 😈 I suspect the second bit might have helped 😜
  18. Was that you all over YouTube ?, bawling 😭, & getting a right bollocking from your mum 😜
  19. I fixed that for you πŸ˜‰
  20. Sounds like the voice of experience ?😝
  21. kinda mixed on this one, after all p90's are supposed to be stubby, so the long suppressor does nothing for me, BUT makes me think id like to see an extended forend, maybe an extended ris rail etc, summat to give it a sniper look, with maybe a short fat suppressor on the end ?
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