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  • Guns
    One or two...
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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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    Various around W.Midlands etc..
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    Pew Pew...

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  1. LoL... Bloke turns up 2hrs+ late for the game, complains no one is around to sign him in, throws a strop saying shit organising of the event..then promptly leaves.  hahaha did I miss something.....maybe don't turn up late for game day!  (I was in safe zone putting masking tape on my M16 stock..yep screw stripped and fell out..masking taped up the stock and solid now..lol)

    1. GAMBLE


      Waste of time….

      Waste of money….

      waste of petrol….

      Maybe needs to rethink about this hobby!?…. 🤦‍♂️

    2. Shamal


      Yep bloody fool.

      On game days I'm up early, have prepared kit night before and get to site as gates open. Wander round,chat and drink free coffee .  Stress free and well prepared for the fray lol


    3. Rogerborg


      I'd put him squarely in the small minority of people who should just be BTFO'd right out of the hobby. All the grief and drama seems to come from a handful of autards and sociopaths, and I think we could get along quite nicely without them.

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