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    One or two...
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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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    Various around W.Midlands etc..
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  1. Ok, x3 guns with Luke @ Negative Airsoft.  I'm starting to think about HPA, as I'm getting fed up with broken AEG's.  Might sell the lot (Apart from my TM Recoil) and go for a Wolverine MTW...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Monkman


      Thanks for the comments chaps, will be seriously thinking about it over the next couple of months.

    3. AlphaBear


      @proffrinkwhich is why I prefer using Marui recoils... The haptic feedback from the recoil is just fun... and when the bolt stop goes during a bb-fight you just shout fcuk loudly slap in a mag and hit the bolt stop and there you go.... 


      I will consider a MWS too, but am waiting for the Mk18 to be released whenever that will be.....

    4. Albiscuit


      I have been thinking long and hard about HPA. Its the only platform I have not tried and there no guns I want, so I think my next airsoft investment will be a HPA system and get into that side of it. I see more and more HPA users on sites, it is certainly a growing trend and I think it could end up the norm at some point.

      I would be keen to try some tapped mags and a tippman before I truely went down any other route but could happily convert my current guns over.

      Although if i ever run a hicappa with a tapped M4 hicap you all have persmission to NEVER talk to me again.

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