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  1. Sad
    Rogerborg reacted to Haru for a status update, i shouldve known not to buy anything with aliexpress without reviews now im stuck wit   
    i shouldve known not to buy anything with aliexpress without reviews now im stuck with a fake holy warrior t2 🥲
  2. Sad
    Rogerborg reacted to TheFull9 for a status update, Tried sixmm.. they wouldn't ever send an order out until being e-mailed multiple time   
    Tried sixmm.. they wouldn't ever send an order out until being e-mailed multiple times after already waiting 10 days+. Gave up on them, saw some stuff on Shooters Combat Gear that wasn't available elsewhere, order sat unmoving for a week, e-mail, 'it'll dispatch tomorrow', that was a week ago. I'm sticking with WGC in future I reckon.
  3. Sad
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, I thought it was "silly Saturday" yesterday with the number of members not capable of   
    I thought it was "silly Saturday" yesterday with the number of members not capable of a simple task, but today's turning in to "thick as shit Sunday", & most of them aren't noobs ffs😤
  4. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, Guys, if a new member posts he's got two guns to sell quickly & acts daft, don't   
    Guys, if a new member posts he's got two guns to sell quickly & acts daft, don't be in a rush to get a bargain without doing plenty of due diligence, especially pics with "proof of life" in.
  5. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, Another member from Nigeria sent packing 🖕🏿 Thanks @Mik3F for raising your suspicions   
    Another member from Nigeria sent packing 🖕🏿
    Thanks @Mik3F for raising your suspicions.🍻
  6. Confused
    Rogerborg reacted to JStock for a status update, I'm having an absolute monday of a wednesday. Let me tell you this, if you think admi   
    I'm having an absolute monday of a wednesday. Let me tell you this, if you think admins are just for show I can assure the ones here are not. 🤣
  7. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, Guys, this member is being looked at as a possible scammer, don't enter in to any dea   
    Guys, this member is being looked at as a possible scammer, don't enter in to any deals with him while this message is visible.
    Update: he's responded to the buyer finally, with a plausible excuse, but the situation remains the same until the goods are delivered.
  8. Haha
    Rogerborg reacted to Fatboy40 for a status update, Starting to repair a boneyard AK-47, wires soldered to motor tabs, WTF! 😡   
    Starting to repair a boneyard AK-47, wires soldered to motor tabs, WTF! 😡
  9. Sad
    Rogerborg reacted to Austeyr for a status update, New PKP box mag turned up, arrived broken. Don’t think I’m meant to have this replica   
    New PKP box mag turned up, arrived broken. Don’t think I’m meant to have this replica 🤬
  10. Haha
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, He's from the afuk Nigerian club 👎   
    He's from the afuk Nigerian club👎
  11. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to WildBoneZ for a status update, Be advised, replied to a wanted ad of mine with images from a airsoft online retail s   
    Be advised, replied to a wanted ad of mine with images from a airsoft online retail store.
  12. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, If you won't bother reading the rules, don't bother trying to post stuff here.   
    If you won't bother reading the rules, don't bother trying to post stuff here.
  13. CoolAF
    Rogerborg reacted to strykerles for a status update, After over a year of searching I finally found a cyma bizon!!   
    After over a year of searching I finally found a cyma bizon!!
  14. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Jez_Armstrong for a status update, off you fuck, spammer   
    off you fuck, spammer
  15. Haha
    Rogerborg reacted to Jez_Armstrong for a status update, No prizes for guessing what ls on my TV tonight 😂   
    No prizes for guessing what ls on my TV tonight 😂

  16. CoolAF
    Rogerborg reacted to heroshark for a status update, Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have   
    Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have met. I'm somewhat of a dinosaur now. I spent some time hunting 80-90-2000s spring guns. It became quite an obsessive project. I never thought I would get rid of any of them but I've come to realise much of the thrill was in the hunt, and I let one go and it was nice to let it go to someone else to enjoy.  I'm not sure what I want to get rid of some of you will have watched as I amassed it. There are so many it's very hard to list. If there's anything anyone is interested in do give me a shout. 

  17. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, Your post was deleted, you need to take the time to read the rules, & then make a   
    Your post was deleted, you need to take the time to read the rules, & then make a suitable thread in the classifieds. 
    Welcome to the forum.
  18. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, Regards your g&g L85 you were hoping to sell, forget it, as well as the issues wi   
    Regards your g&g L85 you were hoping to sell, forget it, as well as the issues with you using stock images, your fps is above the lawful limit, & could be considered a section 5 firearm, naughty naughty 😏.
    II'll hide the thread, in its current state it cannot be sold here, get that sorted, new spring etc & take some pics of the actual gun & your welcome to readvertise it.
  19. Like
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, @Stokey2785 your adverts are terribly written, very little info that's of use, awful   
    @Stokey2785 your adverts are terribly written, very little info that's of use, awful pictures, especially the gun thats covered in ghillie wrap, people need to see, in detail, what their actually contemplating buying.
    And finally, why have you joined to sell your mates stuff, maybe he needs to sign up & take responsibility for these atrocious sales threads.
    Sort it out please, before they get deleted due to their misleading nature.
  20. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Markusx0 for a status update, Almost certainly a scammer, do your best to avoid. They say friends and family only a   
    Almost certainly a scammer, do your best to avoid. They say friends and family only as apparently G&S doesn’t work with their account which is a load of tosh. 

  21. Sad
    Rogerborg reacted to Impulse for a status update, Booked a redelivery with Royal Mail to deliver to my local post office for today. I'm   
    Booked a redelivery with Royal Mail to deliver to my local post office for today. I'm in the house when they shove another red slip through my letterbox instead without knocking.
  22. Sad
    Rogerborg reacted to JinxDuh for a status update, Fitted the ZCI hop unit with a maple leaf macaron 50 and omega nub. It didn’t like it   
    Fitted the ZCI hop unit with a maple leaf macaron 50 and omega nub. It didn’t like it at all, jams etc. For the first time in years I’m using a different hop combo. Seems the standard ZCI stuff is perfect though. 302.6 on 6 shots before moving up to 303.4 😳
  23. Careful Now
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, Feeling so suspicious, so many new members, which should be great, but most are just   
    Feeling so suspicious,  so many new members, which should be great, but most are just here to allegedly sell high end gear, just feels dodgy af🤔
  24. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Tackle for a status update, This guy is repeatedly contacting people, offering considerably more than their askin   
    This guy is repeatedly contacting people, offering considerably more than their asking, clearly it's a scam but the finer details are unclear, merely because no one has fallen for his bullshit.
    But rather than wait for someone to get suckered, he's gone🔨
  25. Thanks
    Rogerborg reacted to Majestyk for a status update, Scammer   

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