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L3wisD last won the day on May 24 2023

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    Falmouth, Cornwall

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  1. Just found out my UKARA expired last July.

    That means there's a couple of naughty retailers not checking properly.. tsk tsk :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Albiscuit


      lol.. its all nonsense, managed fine up to now without one ;) 

    3. snuff


      Bearing in mind all that has been said ,a lot of what we do is trust based if it wasn't surely we would need to produce our UKARA at every new site we visited..or is your defence the fact you are turning up at a site?


    4. Albiscuit


      technically booking at a site and proving you play is a defense. But as its a retailers responsibility to ensure a relevant defense is in place, the fact they know your bought guns before with a UKARA and skirmish regularly will satisfy them. 

      They have to be confident your not an oik looking to rob people using a toy gun is the general gist of it..

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