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Everything posted by B.S

  1. Well, I'd assume the Selector would just be a simple fix of Take apart and Tighten a screw? Whatever that case I'm looking at either a G&G or a ICS. Whats the Story with 'Had' btw, out of curiosity.
  2. Bit off topic; But I notice you have a ICS L85, Any comments for someone looking at getting an L85?
  3. I wonder how much everything in this thread added up would be...
  4. Just got full MTP Clothing, Plus a few Osprey Mag Pouches, £55 in total from a Local Surplus shop, bargain! Took me a while but here: (Wow High res)
  5. Now My G23's having bigger issues, After about 3 shots firing correctly, It expels the gas, Without firing, and the BB just rolls out. Not sure what is causing this, but It's a Major issue. It could be related to My aiming the gun downwards, But it should still work even then.

    1. Mos


      Empty gas?

    2. B.S


      I did consider that a possibility, and filling the gas completely does seem to have lowered the problem, but it's still there. I also changed the hop off of default. Which helped more, But Like I said there is still an issue, that causes it to loose a BB or so every mag, more if I point the gun down.

    3. Mos


      Empty gas is all I can really consider... Not really sure of anything else, I'm sure someone else knows the problem.

  6. Don't really like how they look :/ I'm trying to get something that will also go with British Army MTP Kit
  7. I've been looking for a Set of goggles that I can fit my Glasses under, That's under £40, And I've come across these, Not sure if they'll fit but they look like they might. Anyone have them and Know if they fit with Glasses? Is the Nose piece removable? (I'd like to wear a mesh mask too) http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=287&products_id=7860
  8. Just got back from Portsmouth with a Rather bad Illness, Found this flung over my Back gate it's just a Base, Still needs Cummerbunds and Pouches But it was New, £40, and the only Osprey Mk.IV left in this size. Now, Where'd all my Money Go?
  9. Well, There were 6 games in total over the day, But I didn't do the last one since I was wiped out. First was just a Small Head to Head combat game, Confined to the area around the Red house. Whites start at the right side of the right ammo dump, plains start at the bottom of the bottom Left ammo dump as far as I could tell. I spent the whole game in those trees above the red house, Got one kill. Next game was Egg hunt I believe... Could've been third game, but that was where we had to collect eggs for different points, and take them back to our spawn at the end of the game. Our spawn was at the left of the main road, enemy's on the other end. Whole map was in play. Can't really remember the order of the rest of the day - It's all a bit of a blur of different positions and incidents. But there was a Head to head across the entire map. There were two 'Terminator' games, where each team were at each end of the runway, and a Marshal was in the Middle with a really big gun. Which ever team has a Player with their hand on his shoulder, he will shoot for and move towards the enemy spawn. Whichever team's spawn he is closest too looses. The Whole map is in play. However if you take the Woodland ditch rout you end up at the right team's spawn, which we basically wasted the whole game doing. And I did a Magnificent Flip into the mud on the way back, could barely walk after that XD The last gamemode I didn't do was a Attack/Defend game, Where one team has infinite re spawns, the others have one per defensive point. You know the drill. It's a great site though
  10. I just got back from Strike Force's Abingdon site, Had a Great day, But I noticed there aren't any maps online. It's not a massive issue, Since it's an easy site to get your head around. But I can think of a few instances where knowing our position in relation to other parts of the map could've really helped (Not that you have time to look at a map) And they do have one on site, but it's not uploaded. So I've made a map of the areas we used, Don't know if there are more but these are the most commonly used, and I'll update the map once I've been there more. Your welcome to use it for Videos, Or just as a map etc. Also, this isn't all that is in play, everything in the Fenced area is the site, so Depending on the gamemode the whole site can be in play.
  11. Well, that was a pretty fun time. Got 3 maybe 4 kills, 2 deaths. (Maybe 3, But I'm fairly sure it was just a twig on my visor, if not I apologise to whoever pulled off a shot at 60m with massive wind, right between the eyes) Now, I'm going to go Hibernate.
  12. Well, That was fun. Got 3 maybe 4 kills, 2 deaths. Not bad For a first game, I was on the Bunny Rabbits team! XD And of course the day wouldn't have been complete without a Massive slip n' slide on the mud! I managed to wobble all over the place at speed after going over a muddy patch, eventually ending on my ass, with my gun off in the hedge XD Note to self: Never go full Sprint.
  13. I didn't say we were gonna win! XD
  14. Having some misfires from my G23... One blank, then next shot it fires then a BB rolls out the barrel. Could be since I was firing a whole clip in one go, not sure. Did it 4 times in a clip.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. B.S


      Well, It was mainly because my site is Bios only, You know of any good ones? I won't be able to get more in time for my next game anyway, but This way I'll know for next time.

    3. Hudson


      I use biosphere at my local site.


      It's more just to test; changing ammo is the first place to start, it doesn't involve taking the gun apart.

      Once/if you've rule that out then you can check the rest.

    4. B.S


      Well, It seems to be when I point the Gun down the Chambered BB falls out the Barrel, BBs are perhaps a bit too small?

  15. I'm a little unusual when it comes to Music...
  16. Well, I like off roading. And your right, there is no practical reason. That doesn't mean I can't want one I'm willing to sacrifice Comfort, Practicality, and Maneuverability all for the sake of Getting some thing Unique and with a History. I'm funny like that.
  17. It's just, well. A Land Rover Defender. I Love it because of it's history, and Because it's British. And who doesn't like something Military, It's like, well like someone not understanding why people like Guns they're cool
  18. Ik ;-; For this Car, its worth it
  19. I'm not Driving yet, But when I do I'd drive one of these :3
  20. Think you may be right... I have been over planning things, maybe I should just get on with it :/ It's really hard to decide between the CQB-S And the CM18 though, because I love the blowback, but I prefer the way the other looks. Your right about the torch, The scale was somewhat lost on me. P.S Turns out the Blowback is rubbish, not worth it so I'm going with the other, Changing my mind again XD
  21. -Chosen the CM18- So, Here we are again, I've decided to go for a G&G M4 style as my first gun, as There are some Similar variants in use in the British Army, So it would suit my get up better. However, I wasn't sure the version I was looking at was right so I just went through all the G&G M4 style guns and chose the Three I liked the most, So I thought I'd do another Pros and Cons post, It worked very well last time to narrow it down. So, Starting with the original; CM16 Raider-L -Pros £122 Not anything else in comparison to the others. -Cons Out of Stock atm Short Grip rails, no space for torch CM18 MOD1 -Pros Desert colours, similar to British service. Shorter Barrel Long grip, space for My Table Lamp (Torch) In Stock Real Cap mag (Both a Pro and a con, since I'd need more mags, which Will cost more but be cooler) -Cons £153 Battery not included As far as I can see no Sling points, happy to be corrected on that though. CM GR4 CQB-S MINI -Pros Blow Back Desert colours Real Cap Mag Short, Good for CQB In Stock -Cons £170 No Iron sights No space for Table Lamp (Torch) No Battery Links: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=5774 http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318&products_id=9133 http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=8587 I must admit, the more and more I've been looking at M4s, The More I like them P.S The title's wrong, I changed it to the CQB-S At the last second, forgot to change it.
  22. So I basically Started again, went through all the G&G M4 style guns, and I've narrowed it back down to three again - I'm definitly gonna get a G&G M4/M16 it's just a matter of which. I'll post a new topic on it tommorow, it's 4am and I don't want to be getting up late tomorrow or I'll be too tired for Sunday
  23. Well, The M16 is actually in use by the British Army, So it would suit my get up better. I can spray paint some of the parts too, to look like this: If you know of the exact model this is, I may look at that instead (Depending on price) As they say, It's close enough for Government work. I don't need it to be the exact spec, it is after all just a Starter / Eventually Backup gun. The Ones in use seem to be the 'L129A1' As above, and the 'L119A1' Both of which are proving hard to find an exact replica of, So I may just get one of the G&G M4/M16 variants and make it look like that. L119A1:
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