Flash: Got the helmet from Bullseye country sports for £50
Ckinnerly: I was playing at AWA Herts
Craig: I pay for all my equipment minus the guns as that would be illegal. My dad plays also so he has UKARA luckily for me.
Currently got a new light weight belt rig set up for the ebr as no point using a full vest as i learned from using the ebr all day!
Recent pics of me and my new G&G M14 ebr-l. This was the first time i used it as well as all my new tan gear. Now have a seperate belt rig for a lighter marksman loadout. Use the Warrior Ricas compact for my m4 now.
When me and a marshal were chatting during a game we saw some kid running for his life and screaming at the top of his lungs then diving into a ditch as he had been hit... EPIC WIN! XD
Oh right I would spend most money on upgrades as theres not much you can do with attatchments apart from a scope really. Make it Lipo ready and spew out 30rps with a 2500 round box mag
I never get insulted at the site I play at. Everyone has their own different camo that they think looks good. I think multicam looks good just like other people like DPM. Its because they think it looks good in THEIR opinion.
Im afraid not, i went to the shop today and they said that it was not that bad (but when I was shooting it with the tech the shots were basicaly falling out of the barrel!) He is going to take a look at it so the TAR it is