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ChupacabraOutdoor last won the day on June 24 2017

ChupacabraOutdoor had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM M4 Sopmod, TM G18C, G&G MP5 SD6, G&G M14, ARES AM-013
  • Loadouts
    LBT 6094A (MKJ), Blackhawk! Commando Recon Chest Harness
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  • Interests
    Music, Filming, Airsoft, MMA.

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  1. @Skara hi bud! We're working very hard to provide greatly immersive MilSim experiences with our Digital Observer Team, true we aren't quite as massive as our UK/USA buddies but I feel very safe to say we're ahead of the curve as far as games development and the amount of technology involved. We'd love to invite international players in the future so let's keep in touch bud, I'm sure you'll have a great time! P.S: sorry for the accent, I'm constantly working on my speech!
  2. Thanks Sacarathe, I'll definitively consider doing a video about! It doesn't obscure at all, in my G&P ACOG 4X I used to have a metal net as a home made killflash, not on the outside but stuck very close to the lens. That way I kept it more low profile and secured the lens very well, with no sight discomfort at all! I'm going to post in the Off Topic -> Media section from now on as I've been told by the mods to do so, feel free to catch up on the latest video there and thanks for your feedback!
  3. Yes I'm trying something new here! Let me know how you liked it, I'm not sure about going down the commentary route! ;-) It is a homemade net, it just sits inside the lens cap and does the job pretty well, it has being varnished with green spray paint, same green that's being used for the gun!
  4. My teammate's VFC HK417, took a shot at an AOR2 paint job, regular hardware store spray paint.
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