Hey guys,
At today's skirmish i encountered a rather strange problem. First,game, all 4 Kings Arms midcaps and my G&G G-MAG (high cap) all fed fine. I went back to the safe zone, re armed, and headed out for the second game. I loaded my G-MAG into the gun and shot some guys, all was swell. Then, it stopped . I wound the mag up and fired - nothing. I took the mag out, checked the hopper - almost full. Strange i thought, but i was in too good a position to worry and just loaded my next mag. The next 4 mid caps i loaded would only then fire once every five shots on average, give or take.
I called myself out, and went to speak to the Marshall. He adjusted my hop, i loaded my high cap and it went well for about 30-40 rounds, before the same happened again. Thinking this was really, really impracticable in a game that relies on shooting people, i went to the safe zone and talked to the tech. He just simply loaded a MAGPUL pts mag (high cap) and it worked fine. I borrowed this for the rest of the day and it worked perfectly - no issues whatsoever. However, when i loaded all 5 other mags, none of them would consistently shoot, only allowing a few rounds out here and there. I tried full auto and semi, even burst with no prevail.
My mate also tried 1 of the mid caps and it didnt feed well for him either.
Is it not strange how all 5 of my mags stop working at the same time, but a different mag will? Ive used the other mags on 3-4 skirmishes and they have all been fine.
I was using zeroone 0.25g bbs for all my mags and the one i borrowed.