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Everything posted by KiwiBanany

  1. what is the 257 for? So your stuff is easy to find if lost? does it mean something? nice guns!
  2. New 5 man kill streak in CQB with my glock!

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Only 5 was it a warm up game or a slow day?

    2. KiwiBanany


      First use of my pistol, with only half a mag loaded :) killing 5 people in a 10v10 game was quite significant too :)

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Killing all 10 would of been significant only getting 5 is just thinning the herd.

      Nice vid got to try the school soon.

  3. That thing in dog sh*t stock, one of the worst guns i've ever had the misfortune of firing Upgraded on the otherhand...
  4. My G&G sr-l Shame it's two tone, but it performs well! Upgraded to a prowin hop unit, but apart from that, its stock (obviously not externally) 1x1 replica walther Chinese clone, 3x magnifier, AFG, G&P rail covers, (kings arms???) 120rnd mid caps, sound amp. Edit: Now has a 6.03mm Tightbore barrel and is r hopped, even better!
  5. how much are the mk2s going to retail at? any idea when we are expecting them in the uk?
  6. I am from Hitchin the next games i know about are AWA and Red 1 school this sunday, on the 20th
  7. Dont stand at the back like a lemon shouting commands at the rest of us
  8. as a matter of fact, it was you i wanted to quote in the first place xD cheers buddy
  9. How do i add a quote (from one of you guys on this forum) onto my signature? cheers
  10. All the sites you are going to need to book ahead if you are renting. I've rented at AWA before, and they fill up fast, so book about a week before the game. If you've got your own kit, AWA is just the £20 walk on (£22.50 as of april) with no need to book ahead. There is food and water on site at the shop, so bring a fiver. Red 1 is slightly different, as they can be full sometimes due to a 70(i think) player limit. Make sure to go on their facebook page and click the 'going' button on the event called 'next game day' or something, so they know numbers in advance. Hope to see you out here!
  11. if you want the range, you are going to have to get into that flat-hopping
  12. what are your thoughts? i just put some on my SR-L and i think they look sweet! Got a friend that disagrees though, and wondered I didn't know what i was talking about
  13. PatrolBase emailed me and said the rail,. stock and upper receiver would all be two toned, not just the rail and stock. Isn't that way over 51%?
  14. The m4 CRW http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_399&products_id=5771
  15. Thanks, i literally just send patrol base an email asking which parts they would paint ahhaha. Ill have a think Dave, but its been nice hearing peoples opinions.
  16. hate the look of tan + two tone But thanks
  17. And which krytac would you recommend? bearing in mind it will have to be two tone, so has to be something that wont look that aweful The SPR looks good, is it any? Range is my main priority, rather than other features.
  18. Hello all, wasnt sure where about to put this, so please say if its in the wrong place Im thinking about getting a new rifle, due to having multiple feeding and range problems with my current G&G SR-L. I will have around £350 to spend on the base rifle, and a little more for battery/extras, bringing the total to almost £400. I want something with decent range, but am not too fused about ROF or looks. Do you guys have any recomendations? I know that i dont really want a DMR, GBBR or Sniper, so really just an AEG. I cannot order from any places such as taiwangun as i am only 17 and do not have a ukara. I was looking at the TM high cycle but the stock to me looks really ugly, so another stock would have to be a factor. Advice on stocks that would look good on that rifle would also be great Cheers
  19. wore one of these to my last skirmish http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Excellent-Umbrella-Hats-Hand-Free-Head-Band-Cap-for-Golf-Fishing-Hunting-UK9-/291652254790?hash=item43e7d43c46:g:6XoAAOxyVLNSoogD
  20. I've got the srl, its great you'll have fun with it! these are the rails i have http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=9949 but i know they are not in stock
  21. It is and that was the first thing i tried! hmm
  22. Hey guys, At today's skirmish i encountered a rather strange problem. First,game, all 4 Kings Arms midcaps and my G&G G-MAG (high cap) all fed fine. I went back to the safe zone, re armed, and headed out for the second game. I loaded my G-MAG into the gun and shot some guys, all was swell. Then, it stopped . I wound the mag up and fired - nothing. I took the mag out, checked the hopper - almost full. Strange i thought, but i was in too good a position to worry and just loaded my next mag. The next 4 mid caps i loaded would only then fire once every five shots on average, give or take. I called myself out, and went to speak to the Marshall. He adjusted my hop, i loaded my high cap and it went well for about 30-40 rounds, before the same happened again. Thinking this was really, really impracticable in a game that relies on shooting people, i went to the safe zone and talked to the tech. He just simply loaded a MAGPUL pts mag (high cap) and it worked fine. I borrowed this for the rest of the day and it worked perfectly - no issues whatsoever. However, when i loaded all 5 other mags, none of them would consistently shoot, only allowing a few rounds out here and there. I tried full auto and semi, even burst with no prevail. My mate also tried 1 of the mid caps and it didnt feed well for him either. Is it not strange how all 5 of my mags stop working at the same time, but a different mag will? Ive used the other mags on 3-4 skirmishes and they have all been fine. I was using zeroone 0.25g bbs for all my mags and the one i borrowed. Help!?
  23. C Cheers! Maybe see you around sometime! Thanks, its a nice gun
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