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Everything posted by i3666

  1. Personally, i don't think full auto is needed in there and I much preferred the semi auto games. I think full auto was the root cause of some of the problems yesterday
  2. Yeah, totally agree. I was telling my mate who is coming on the Sunday that one experience of a place isn't enough to make a conclusive (holistic) view.
  3. Yeah, I would also say hit taking was not great. With indoors CQB I find there is often a lot of 50/50 incidents where both sides SHOULD just take the hit and walk but I don't think this was overly the case yesterday. If both sides walk then there is no 'oh I shot you first' shouts and no arguments. The lack of hit taking did slightly taint my view of The Mall yesterday but I did enjoy it and I must admit, what a venue! Nice to meet a few of the guys off here too!
  4. I know it is not on your list, but my tri-shot TRMR is a good bit of kit and reliable too. It is very sturdy and takes primers which are like 100 for £7. I use it for indoors cqb but not tried it outside yet
  5. What Jedi said. I see more people switching to i4's from what I hear at my local site, but that is a indoors CQB site to be fair where they are sell suited.
  6. The rules are up on the page now. You can just turn up solo or teams need to book in in advance. It is free entry too and on a Saturday.
  7. I may be up for chipping in but I will confirm before the end of the month, if I may! I use to work with the guys from Enola Gaye as we all worked at their old parent company many moons ago, prior to them going independent.
  8. That is interesting you both say that but I will happily take note and give dark shades a bash
  9. For CQB all black is best I think from what I have seen, especially night games black is best
  10. Cool, cya there. I'll be as per the pic attached
  11. Granted, I am quite new to airsoft but my principle is LESS IS MORE and focus on being agile as I play CQB. Concerning clothing, anything really goes! The thing I like about CQB is it can be the guy with the old shitty hoody & battered AK which is better than the people that have all the MilSim kit. You really have to approach all players with an open mind and not judge until you see people actually play! Also, I would like to see more threads on game play and techniques!
  12. It is just quick 5 a side matches with simple objectives in a purpose build CQB arena. Go to Strikeforces website for photos of the site and a promo video.
  13. Yup I thought I would get an insight! I may go on 24th too but I might be playing somewhere else though... I'll keep you posted on that.
  14. Cool, well that is me (obviously) in the avatar photo!
  15. Granted this is not everyones preference but if interested, join the Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ukspeedqb/ There is also a flyer attached as a pic! (Admins - If I am not allowed to post this for any reason, please let me know and I will happily remove it)
  16. Is anyone going? This will be my maiden voyage there! It will be good to meet others from here if you are present
  17. Perfect, I am a very quick player (or I like to think so ) and the athletic aspect of airsoft is what appeals to me most. I went to The courthouse in Bristol the other week and there is no running allowed there, and it just wasn't the same.
  18. Quick question, do they permit running at The Mall? I know some places disallow it.
  19. Cool, thanks matey I shall definitely check it out. I was forced to run the B&T today and it does work but just intermittently, which is annoyed. I need to get onto the shop this week about it, as it is only a few weeks old. If I don't get any joy out of them (i.e. not replaced) then I will invest in the Xcortech.
  20. My Krytac PDW rail is keymod and I struggle to find accessories for it in UK retailers, but this may change soon, who knows! So, I have had to mount Picatinny rails on it.
  21. Funnily enough, I have looked at that but I am stuck on whether I want to pay that much. Plus, I already run a PEQ box!
  22. Thanks mate. I will invest in one I think.
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