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Everything posted by i3666

  1. Can you post a link to the torch you use please? How bright and good is it? I want something for indoors dark cqb.
  2. Bud, I will probs be up for the 13th Dec, shout me a few weeks beforehand.
  3. What type of sight is best for cqb? I presume a Holographic sight (like the Eotech replica) - correct? As always, it might not be everyones preference to choose not to use irons, but generally speaking is a Holographic sight best? Thanks
  4. Patrol bases website is quite informative on the new G&G series: http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/g-and-g Someone school me please, how does Krytac's guns differ from G&G's in general? Do they just have been quality components broadly speaking? Like Taxman22, I am looking to get a short m4 type gun for circa £300 and my priority is to get a reliable AEG with decent internals, I am not so much bothered about aesthetics but they are nice to have.
  5. If you look on the G&G website below, the guns come in different lengths (like a 7") http://guay2.com/web/news.php?lang=en
  6. I am glad I am not the only one who was unsure. G&G's website is so limited as to the tech spec on each of the variants of the GC16 range. The above videos helps to clarify a bit though.
  7. General GC16 series comparison(wildhog, predator and warthog) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo6nFS1I33E Short GC16 series review - GC16 Predator review -
  8. Has anyone got experience/used of any of the guns in the new GC16 range? I am keen to get feedback if so. http://guay2.com/web/news.php?lang=en
  9. A bit late now, but I was at Strikeforce Gloucester
  10. What is the model number of your 418 do you have mate? I can see there are different generations of the 418
  11. Are you saying the barrels on the G&G 418 are swappable, or not swappable? Ideally, I would want to take the barrel out and get the shorter barrel. I know there is a light 418 but I do not think I can get that from my supplier
  12. Yeah, I will plan to be at The Mall on the 13th Dec too, canne wait!
  13. Okay, thanks. I understand you can put in a smaller barrel, is that right? My only concern with this is the length of the gun but if you can easily swap the barrel, then happy days. Just to clarify, this is the gun you have, right (see below link)? http://guay2.com/web/gt_product/TR418.php?lang=en
  14. Well, since writing the original post I am actually now leaning towards the G&G! What makes you say the G&G is better?
  15. Sorry, I stand corrected. It is the G&G 418 I am looking at. No, I am NOT two-toning it.
  16. I want a gun for CQB and the occasional outside game. I do NOT have any guns and only intend getting a gun to use for all airsoft. I will mainly play CQB (dark and light games). I am a quick, agile player too. I am looking at the below guns from new. 1. VFC Knight's Armament PDW AEG Or..... 2. G&G 418 AEG I will want to put the below on the gun: A) T1 sight and protector C) Flash light C) Small laser D) Stubby foregrip I may not have all the above on the gun at the same time, depending on the type of game (i.e dark or light). The PDW does need a PEQ box for the battery mounted on it too. I am stuck as to what to get..... I have held both and I am leaning towards the PDW but not 100% certain on it. The price is around the same for both.
  17. Tuna all the way, with the lids which have the opening thingy
  18. Has anyone been and what are your thoughts? I have heard a lot about Drakelow tunnels. I want to reach it on 29th Nov, any takers? http://www.firstandonlyevents.co.uk/missions/open-day-418/ Footage of the site:
  19. Where are you from? I used to live in Newbury (West Berks). But, just recently moved to Cheltenham. I am up for meets virtually anywhere, anytime. I am hopefully at Strikeforce Gloc both Thurs night and Sunday this week, any other takers?
  20. Cool, just PM me closer to the time as I am gagging to go.
  21. Are you referring to The Mall in Reading (Berks)? If so, please let me know if anyone is going soon as I want to go but am yet to!
  22. This is my principle with Eye pro at the moment!
  23. I totally agree that less is more, especially when you are running around and getting hot indoors. I am a quick player and like to stay agile, so your points are duly noted
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