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djben9 last won the day on January 23 2017

djben9 had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS CXP-UK1, UK1R, UK1R SR EBB, M4 EBB, G33 F, ASG M15 SIR, TM GLK 17 v3
  • Loadouts
    Whatevers comfy for the day.....with big pockets helps
  • Sites
    GMA / Team Green Tuddenham,
  • Gender
  • Location
    Fen Edge, Cambs :)
  • Interests
    DJ-ing (Traktor), Airsoft oh and my family of course :)

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  1. oh dear, after 18months of trying and getting blocked, Firesupport now works at work.....better hide my wallet

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cheeserush


      My work is stupid as some places such as Patrol base are banned as they are firearms and you aren't allowed to look at anything shooting related in my work yet places like Firesupport are fine!

    3. Cheeserush


      But really I should be doing work

    4. djben9


      yeah the so called filter blocks some sites as classed as 'weapons', couldnt get on the forum for over a year, only worked around December 16', patrolbase was fine Firesupport blocked, then PB didnt work, now all seem ok.....

      cant really tell IT department they are really toys unless they question me! haha

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