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Everything posted by hagar66

  1. I used Bob Heath for the 1st time at the weekend and it worked a treat on my ESS V12's, i was really surprised how good it was so would recommend that, just go to any motorcycle shop they should stock it
  2. I really like the look and sound of the Scorpion Evo 3 and its in your budget at £299 but you are gonna need to buy extra mags for it at £49 for 3
  3. I had a look round this site and he has some great tips, try making your own, looks easy to do and cost effective
  4. Got a funny story for you, we was playing at the mall when a guy was cornered in the basement in one of the rooms. He was a big guy with a gottee beard and was playing as a personality for all you regulars who play here lol. He was hiding in the corner where we had no shot on him cos the door was at a funny angle so as soon as you rushed in he had the upper hand, obviously it was pitch black down there. 4 of us are waiting outside and after a few who rushed in with torches on got slaughtered, we decided to creep in all silent and try and surprise him, we all crept in as quite as mice when a voice whispered to me, what colour are you, I wispered back, green, to which he taped me and whispered knife kill and just went down the line killing all 4 of us finishing off with "love you all" the shame was unbareable lol
  5. Lol big head!! What you gonna do with the Emerson helmet cos if it's no good and it fits Alex, I'll buy it off of you
  6. If you are booking in as a rental you pay in advance, but if you booking in as a walk on then you pay on the door
  7. I had the same problem with my ICS M4. When I went to the mall I asked in there shop and he recommended a choke which ties over the stock. Not as tidy as a sling point I know but it's holding up just fine till I sort out a proper one
  8. Nice review as usual trashey. Just one question, where are you ordering these from please? Cheers m8
  9. yes its my ICS M4 and yep gonna try .25's but also carry 20's as well
  10. lol now THATS a speed loader lol bit ott for me but thanks for your help m8 especially with your other post
  11. Cheers guys i was thinking the speed loader might be at fault especially as it was just a cheap one from poland when i ordered a pistol and you have comfirmed my suspicions, again many thanks for your help and advice
  12. Sorry to be pain, bought some mid caps, ASG ones, and tried loading them but I'm only getting around 50ish BB's in them when they are supposed to carry 140. I am getting resistance after 40-50 and the BB's are just going back and forth in the speed loader and not into the mag, what am I doing wrong here, it's like the mags full but obviously ain't, even loaded them and counted so I know it's definitely not full
  13. Thanks m8 for the advice, just wasn't sure if I needed to go up a bit cos of being outdoors but thanks for your input much apprieciated
  14. All my kids are grown up so don't have problems with them, eldest being 29 to youngest being 18 so I'm safe from that, but guns kept in a gun case and kit like others either in a wardrobe or a large kit bag for helmet gloves rig gas ammo etc
  15. Hi guys I have only ever played at The Mall (CQB) and used .20g. Am trying a woodland game and was wondering if I needed to go upto say .25g or just stay on .20g. Only asking as thought it might be better cos of the wind and foliage etc but any feedback on what you guys use would be very helpful
  16. I read somewhere that Surgeon Green Gas is pretty good as well
  17. Great, thanks again clump, joined both cheers m8
  18. If we get a date do you and the lads fancy doing this one next?
  19. Cheers for that mate its the school one im after but looking at there web site they have no future dates up unless im blind and cant see them which is probably the case lol
  20. Hi guys I have heard that there is an airsoft site near Kings Langley I think that starts off in woodland before storming a school, can someone nice please tell me who it is and what there web site is please, thanks
  21. I enjoy playing at the mall and had some great days there, but just a shame a couple of idiots spoiled it for me in the morning session but the afternoon went well
  22. Received my name tag today for my tac vest, really pleased the way it came out so any guys play at the Mall in Reading and see me, please come say "hi"
  23. lol yeah tell me about it Baz, keep finding more goodies i wanna buy, im sure the wifes gonna confiscate my credit card soon lol
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