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Jedi_Master last won the day on August 28 2022

Jedi_Master had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM HK416D, TM M4 Sopmod, TM SGR-12, TM Mk23 Socom, Armorer Works M712 DL-44
  • Loadouts
    British DPM 'Cold War warrior', Grey urban kit
  • Sites
    UCAP Bunker, The Mall. Also played at: UCAP GreenOps, UCAP Sandpit, Longmoor, Tuddenham, Copthorne
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  1. Beware of anyone trying to sell guns without an advert in the Classifieds.  Or wanting to reach out via their gmail account



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. strykerles


      was one a springfield?


    3. Taiga


      Nope, both my wanted listings are MP5's. The guys name was Dannywill, just copy pasted the same message and changed parts to match my listing. Knew it was the scam as soon as the second one came through

    4. strykerles


      same guy as me, thing was the rifle he offered me was one that I purchased from here a few months ago 😂

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